
密 惠 保
第1章 绪论 3
第2章 设计方案 8
2.1 推土机设计的整体方案 8
2.2 确定机构的传动方案 8
2.3选择车轮与轨道并验算其强度 8
2.4运行阻力的计算 11
2.5选择电机 11
2.5.1验算电动机的发热功率条件 12
2.5.2减速器的选择 12
2.6验算运行速度和实际所需功率 12
2.6.1验算启动时间 13
2.6.2启动工况下校核减速器功率 14
2.6.3验算启动不打滑条件 15
2.7选择制动器 17
2.8选择联轴器 18
2.9浮动轴的验算 18
2.10缓冲器的选择 20
第3章 结构设计 22
3.1结构性形式 22
3.1.1箱形双梁的构成 22
3.1.2箱形双梁的选材 22
3.2 结构设计的计算 22
3.2.1主要尺寸的确定 22
3.2.2主轴的计算 24
第4章焊接工艺 30
结论 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35
摘 要
推土机产品种的开发拓展,既要满足不同工况条件的工作适应性,又必须与基本型保持最大限度的零部件通用性(或称互换性),这就为广大用户使用维修带来极大的方便。为方便用户购买配件,生产厂都保留了日本小松公司的零部件编号,只有改型中自行设计的零部件,才冠以自己厂家的编号。 履带式推土机主要由发动机、传动系统、工作装置、电气部分、驾驶室和机罩等组成。其中,机械及液压传动系统又包括液力变矩器、联轴器总成、行星齿轮式动力换挡变速器、中央传动、转向离合器和转向制动器、终传动和行走系统等。本文将重点介绍上述传动系统中的液力变矩器、行星齿轮式动力换挡变速器、转向离合器和转向制动器的结构、工作原理及其液压系统的故障及排除。
关键字:推出机 履带推出机 推出机械 推出机整机 T30
Abstract [资料来源:THINK58.com]
Earthwork bulldozer machinery is one of the main machinery, by way of walking tracks and is divided into two types of rubber-tyred. Because less rubber-tyred bulldozers. This article focuses on the structure of crawler-type bulldozers and working principle. Bulldozers to expand product development of species, it is necessary to meet the needs of different working conditions of the work of adaptation, but also with the basic components to maintain the maximum commonality (or interchangeability), which for the majority of users will have an extremely maintenance Great convenience. To facilitate the purchase of spare parts, production facilities have retained parts of Komatsu, Japan ID, only the modified parts of their own design, only the number of manufacturers known as their own. Tracked by bulldozer engine, drive system, the working device, electrical parts, such as drivers cab and hood components. Among them, mechanical and hydraulic drive system also includes torque converter, coupling assembly, planetary gear-type power-shift transmission, the central transmission, steering clutches and steering brakes, final drive and running systems. This article focuses on the above-mentioned transmission system in the torque converter, planetary gear-type power-shift transmission, steering clutches and steering brakes structure, working principle and its hydraulic system and rule out the possibility of failure. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Keyword: the introduction of machines tracked the introduction of machines the introduction of machinery the introduction of whole machine T30