
密 惠 保
摘 要:本毕业设计从搅拌的目的和机理出发。工作时,物料在叶片推动下沿螺旋面移动,由于两轴的旋转方向相反,两轴间的物料产生挤压、翻滚和揉搓,以达到搅拌混合效果。长期的生产实践证明,通过对卧轴式搅拌机的叶片结构和曲面形状进行合理的布置和设计,混凝土的质量和生产效率会有很大的提高。结合三种叶片的优点,通过对他们进行有序、合理的布置,让混凝土在有限的时间进行尽可能的搅拌。对它们曲面形状进行理论分析和一些试验,克服传统搅拌机器的缺点,通过搅拌过程的分析,详细阐述了各参数的设计,并结合理论分析,给出了结论和建议。
Design of Concrete mixer
Abstract:This paper begins with the mechanism and purpose of the mixing motion. When working,the materials moves along the spiral surface,under the pressure of the blade,crumbles,rolls and twiste as a result of the opposite turning direction of the two axle,achieving the mixture effect of the concrete. It has been proved in the long-term production, through the horizontal Coaxial mixer surface of the leaf structure and shape of a reasonable layout and design, concrete’s quality and production efficiency will be greatly improved Combining with the advantages of three leafs, Concrete is going to mix as much as possible in the limited time through their orderly, rational layout. I do some theoretical analysis and a number of tests for the leaf-surface’s shape. Though the new design test, it overcomes shortcomings of traditional mixer, and notes that the new design may cause new problems.Though the theoretical analysia of the mixing process of the concrete,This paper explanins the selection of all confficient and gives conclusions and suggestions based on the theoretical analysis.
Key words: concrete mixer; double horizontal shaft;blade
1. 了解混凝土搅拌机的类型;
2. 了解国内外混凝土搅拌机的发展状况;
3. 掌握混凝土搅拌机的设计方案,依据和要求;
4. 对主要结构进行分析。

目 录
摘 要: 1
关键词: 1
1 绪 论 2
2总述 3
2.1搅拌的作用 3
2.1.1混凝土的组成 3
2.1.2搅拌的任务 3
2.1.3合理的搅拌机理 3
2.2混凝土搅拌机的类型 4
2.3国内外混凝土搅拌机的发展状况 5
3总体设计方案确定及动力元件选择 6
3.1总体设计方案 6
3.2电动机的选型 6
3.3减速器的选型 7
3.4连轴器的选择与计算 7
4叶片的设计与计算 8
4.1原有叶片的布置 8
4.2设计叶片的布置 10
4.2.1叶片的布置 10
4.2.2“裹轴”现象 12
4.3叶片的主要参数 13
4.3.1输送叶片主要参数的设计 13 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
4.3.2主轴的转速的确定 14
4.4螺旋叶片的加工 18
4.4.1叶片螺旋面的成形 18
4.4.2坯料形状的选择 19
4.4.3整圆坯料尺寸的确定 19
4.4.4压模主要尺寸的确定 21
4.5螺旋叶片的校核 21
5 轴的设计与计算 27
5.1与联轴器联接的左轴的校核 27
5.1.1初步估算轴的直径 27
5.1.2轴的结构设计 28
5.1.3左轴机械加工工艺过程卡 28
5.1.4轴承的强度校核 29
5.1.5轴的强度校核 31
5.2减速器与搅拌轴之间的连轴器里的键的校核 32
5.3销轴的校核 33
5.4与搅拌轴筒联接的轴的校核 33
5.4.1初步估算轴的直径 34
5.4.2轴的结构设计 34
5.4.3联接搅拌机轴筒的轴主要受到扭矩的作用而发生扭转 35
5.4.4推力球轴承的校核 35
5.5搅拌轴筒强度校核 36
6 结论 37
参考文献 38
致 谢 39 [资料来源:http://think58.com]