计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘  要



With the rapid development of society, the shield tunneling machine in the construction of urban transportation systems are more widely applied, compared to the method of drilling and blasting, construction of shield machine become safer and more efficient, it has become a main choice of tunnel construction. Now thevehicles such as subway construction can be seen everywhere,in these places, demand for the shield machine is very large. A high efficient shield machine can help save money and time. Screw conveyor is an important part of the shield tunneling machine, playing a very important rolein many ways, so whether the hydraulic system for screw conveyor can be rational or not, it will have a great impact on shield machine. Currently the hydraulic system for the screw conveyor has low cost, low speed range of disadvantages, so that the screw conveyor needmore efficient hydraulic control system.
The article focus on the design of the hydraulic system of screw conveyor. By following the hydraulic system requirements, the design of the hydraulic system is reasonable, and then follow the hydraulic system design specifications, the design of  hydraulic system is rational. [来源:http://www.think58.com]
    The design focus on how to improve the efficiency and energy of the screw conveyor, using constant power valve to achieve promised speed and make the output power of pump maintain at a given value .
    Using screw conveyor pump control to make the design of the hydraulic system rational, in this way, the system's energy consumption is reduced and the conservation of energy is more.

Keywords: Shield; Screw conveyor; Close loop system; Constant power control; Energy


目  录
第1章 绪论    3
1.1 盾构螺旋输送机的工作特点    3
1.2 国内外盾构机发展现状    4
1.3 国内外盾构技术的发展趋势    5
第2章 盾构螺旋输送机液压系统的要求    6
2.1 工作的环境要求    6
2.2 主要功能要求    7
第3章 螺旋输送机液压系统的设计    7
3.1确定液压系统原理图    7
3.1.1选择系统类型    7
3.1.2螺旋输送机的液压回路    8
3.1.3选择执行元件    9
3.1.4选择调速方式    9
3.1.5制定系统原理图    10
3.2螺旋输送机回转系统的液压元件设计计算及选型    10
3.2.1选择系统参数    10
3.2.2液压马达的计算及选型    10
3.2.3液压泵的计算及选型    12
3.2.4驱动电机的选型    13
3.2.5联轴器的选型    13 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
3.3螺旋输送机闸门系统的设计及计算    14
3.3.1闸门系统参数    14
3.3.2液压缸的计算及选型    14
3.3.3闸门系统液压泵的计算    18
3.3.4电机的选型    19
3.3.5联轴器的选型    20
3.3.6液压控制阀的选型    20
3.4液压辅件的计算及选型    23
3.4.1过滤器的选型    23
3.4.2蓄能器的选型    24
3.4.3液压介质的选择    25
3.5传感器的选型    26
3.6液压装置的结构设计    26
3.6.1油箱的设计    26
3.6.2阀集成块    27
3.6.3管路及管路布置    28
第4章 液压系统性能验算    28
4.1液压系统压力损失验算    28
4.2液压系统发热升温的计算    30
第5章 螺旋机液压系统节能分析    31
5.1恒功率参数的计算    31


5.1.1电机功率计算    31
5.1.2泵的限制参数计算    32
5.2仿真研究    33
5.2.1建立液压系统仿真模型    33
5.2.2设定液压系统仿真参数    33
5.2.3螺旋输送机回转系统的仿真分析    34
第6章 螺旋输送机液压系统的经济性分析    38
第7章总结与展望    39
参考文献    40
附录    41
致谢    42