
密 惠 保
摘 要
Spiral wound gasket belongs to metal and non-metallic materials flat composite gasket,it is one of the gasket is used for mechanical seal, in oil refining, chemical, power and nuclear power industries widely used. Introduction of large petrochemical equipment, many chemical equipment using spiral wound gasket, and many specifications, varieties and forms. This paper designed a special winding gasket winding machine, able to produce DN80~DN400 winding gasket.,gasket size can be preset, winding process parameters (compression force and tension force of the strip) controllable and adjustable, high automation, large elasticity of operation, good regulation performance, simple operation, and reliable. First of all to the winding machine overall structure are analyzed, next to the design of all parts in detail calculation. Main part driven by the motor pulley drive to the gearbox, through a gear reducer, reduction gear main shaft is used to install the center wheel; chassis parts through a constant air pressure to make it up and down, So that reach the role of compression.this winding gasket is made by the host, feeding system, air supply and control system, each part of the piece, the selection of parts in accuracy, strength and wear resistance, etc, have very high requirements. This design is the focus of the operability and practicability of the process, reasonable arrangement according to the requirements of design drawings. [版权所有:http://think58.com]
Key word: winding gasket, Winding machine, reducer.

目 录
第一章 前 言 1
1.1选题的背景及其意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状的分析 2
1.3本课题要研究或解决的问题和拟采用的研究手段 2
1.3.1本课题需要研究解决的问题 2
1.3.2本课题拟采用的研究手段及方案 3
1.4本课题的要求 4
第二章、主机的设计 4
2.1主轴传动的简介 5
2.2主机的设计 5
2.2.1 传动装置的总体设计 5
2.2.2 传动零件的设计 9
2.2.3 轴结构的设计 11
2.2.4滚动轴承的选择及校核计算 18
2.2.5 键及联轴器连接的选择及校核计算 22
第三章 进给系统的设计 24
3.1 进给系统的简介 24
3.2 进给系统的设计 24
3.2.1机体的设计 24
3.2.2压紧轮轴的设计 25
3.2.3导向系统的设计 26
第四章 气源控制系统的设计 27
4.1 气源系统的作用 27
4.2气源控制系统的工作方式 27
4.2.1 垫片缠绕压紧力与拉紧力的计算 28
第五章 总结 30
参 考 文 献 31
致 谢 33