
密 惠 保
密 惠 保
摘 要
关键词:连续运输; 刮板链; 减速器; 设计
Conveyor is a flexible mechanical traction of the continuous conveyor is to coal face and the coal mining area of roadway layout of machinery. It is a scraper chain traction component, carrying equipment in the central trough, scraper chain placed in the middle slot of the groove surface. Central groove along the transportation routes across the board laying around by the nose scraper chain, sprocket tail then placed into a closed-shaped central slot, with the passage of Shearer and conveyor equipment necessary, to achieve loading of coal, coal loading, coal and transport mechanization over. Along the full can to the chute conveyor are installed with coal, the coal is loaded into the central tank scraper chain drag, slide in the central tank to remove the uninstall side.
Chain conveyor means transporting scattered and fragmentary material appeared in the early 20th century industrial development in the United Kingdom. Early conveyor simple light, just as coal, manual loading of coal required, transport capacity, and can only transport hundreds of tons per hour; conveyor length of a few dozen meters; power is small, the intensity of traction chain not high. After years of improvement and development of mechanized mining, the current conveyor used in addition to coal, there are four functions: to Shearer for orbit; to Pull for telescopic hydraulic cylinder of the fixed point; clean up float coal face; suspension cables, water pipes, emulsion tubes. [资料来源:THINK58.com]
This manual introduces the conveyor drive on the design calculations. SGZ764/320 types Conveyor Drive Division is by a motor, reduction gearbox and fluid coupling formed within the horizontal layout of the conveyor, the motor output of the power transmission through three cone cylindrical gear speed Transmission. In the design process, the Department of the drive shaft, transmission gears, bearings and spline connection with the design calculations and other components, strength check, and use. The main components of this manual aimed at the design and strength check calculation was described and introduced.
Key words: continuous transportation; scraper chain; reducer; design
设计长度: 200 m
输送能力: 1000 t/h
刮板链速: 2 m/s
总装机功率:2×250 kW

目 录
1 概述 1
1.1刮板输送机的机构与作用 1
1.2刮板输送机的工作原理 1
1.3输送机的发展概况 1
1.4国内外刮板输送机的技术特点及趋势 1
1.4.1先进产煤国家刮板输送机的技术发展 1
1.4.2我国刮板输送机的技术改进方向 2
2 主要部件的结构和设计要求 3
2.1机头部 4
2.1.1机头架 4
2.1.2链轮 5
2.1.3减速器 5
2.1.4盲轴 6
2.1.5联轴器 6
2.1.6电动机 7
2.2 机尾部 7
2.3中部槽及附属部件 8
2.4刮板链 9
2.5紧链装置 10
2.6推移装置 11
2.7锚固装置 11
3 传动部的设计及计算 12
3.1主要技术参数 12
3.2电动机的选择 12
3.2.1运输能力计算 13
3.2.2估算减速器的输出转速 13
3.3总传动比及传动比的分配 14
3.3.1总传动比的确定 14
3.3.2传动比的分配 14
3.4传动部传动计算 14
3.4.1各轴转速计算 14
3.4.2各轴功率计算 15
3.4.3各轴扭矩计算 15
3.4.4第一级圆锥齿轮传动的计算 16
3.4.5第二级圆柱齿轮传动的计算 20
3.4.6第三级圆柱齿轮传动的计算 24
3.5轴的结构设计与校核 29
3.5.1Ⅰ轴的结构设计及校核 30
3.5.2Ⅱ轴的结构设计及校核 33
3.5.3Ⅲ轴的结构设计及校核 36
3.5.4Ⅳ轴的结构设计及校核 39
3.6键的设计与强度校核 43
3.6.1普通平键 43
3.6.2花键 44
3.7 减速器轴承的校核 47
3.7.1 验算Ⅰ轴轴承寿命 47
3.7.2验算Ⅱ轴轴承寿命 48
3.7.3验算Ⅲ轴轴承寿命 48
3.7.4 验算输出轴轴承寿命 49
4 刮板输送机的使用和维护 50
4.1润滑及注油 50
4.2重型刮板输送机的安装、运行与维护 50
4.2.1重型刮板输送机的安装与试运转 50
4.2.2刮板输送机的运行注意事项 52
4.2.3常见故障及处理方法 52
4.2.4刮板输送机的常规保养及维护 53
4.2.5刮板输送机上使用的新型传动系统 55
结 论 56
参考文献 57 [来源:http://www.think58.com]