计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘 要
带式输送机是煤矿港口码头等散装物料的主要运输设备,通过摩擦传递动力,传动滚筒的摩擦力来源于输送带与滚筒之间的张紧,该张紧力是通过拉紧系统实现的,通过对张紧系统的设计,可以掌握典型的通用机械的设计过程。而带式输送机张紧是通过张紧绞车来实现的。本设计是通过对张紧绞车工作原理、工作环境和工作特性进行分析, 并结合实际, 进行了细致的观察, 对张拉绞车的整体结构进行了设计,对组成部分进行了选择、计算和校核。
为了能够开发更先进的张紧绞车,对张紧绞车的发展前景有着重要的研究意义。当今的时代,张紧绞车对于机械行业来说是机械加工中重要的设备,因此它们的研究功能以及发展状况也促进了张紧绞车整个行业的发展。当前我国的张紧绞车行业的内在潜在价值还有待强有力的挖掘,张紧绞车的进一步研究将会给企业乃至整个机械行业和社会带来重要的积极意义,在研究的同时还可以让学生的综合能力得到开发与锻炼,最为重要的是总体设计就体现了这一点。对于张紧绞车设计这一课题,它的涵知识面较广,具有极强的综合性,要有过硬的专业能力和海量的知识,加上要有一定的在计算机上绘制图表的能力。因此,积极主动的思考和钻研这个设计课题便可以在问题的分析解决上得到能力的提升,从而也能够积累对未来有帮助的工作经验。 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
本文主要概述了张拉绞车液压技术的发展及国内外的现状, 阐述了液压拉紧绞车的发展趋势。同时对液压拉紧绞车液压回路进行了简要的阐述和分析, 设计并分析了该工程设计的小型液压张力系统, 并确定了液压件的类型进一步计算。使用 AutoCAD 绘制张力绞车装配图, 张紧绞车零件图纸, 液压系统示意图, 液压布置图, 油箱零件图。最后通过验算验证了该设计的可行性。

关键词  输送机;液压系统;张紧绞车;设计
Belt conveyors are the main transportation equipment for bulk materials such as coal port terminals. Through friction, power is transmitted. The friction force of the drive roller comes from the tension between the conveyor belt and the roller. The tension is achieved through the tensioning system. Through the design of the tensioning system, the design process of a typical general machinery can be mastered. The tension of the belt conveyor is achieved by tensioning the winch. This design is based on the analysis of the working principle, working environment and work characteristics of the tension winch, combined with the actual, after careful observation, the overall structure of the tension winch is designed, and the components are selected. Type, calculation and check. In order to develop more advanced tension winches, it has important research significance for the development prospects of tension winches. In today's era, tension winches are important equipment for mechanical processing in the machinery industry, so their research capabilities and development status have also contributed to the development of the entire industry of tension winches. At present, the inherent potential value of the tension winch industry in China remains to be tapped vigorously. Further research on the tension winch will bring important positive significance to the company and the entire machinery industry and society. While studying, it can also enable students to The overall ability is developed and exercised. The most important thing is that the overall design reflects this. First, we must let the now-graduated students lay the foundation for professional knowledge and thus enhance the knowledge they have learned so that they can do their job in the future. Second, they can allow them to look at issues with a development perspective in their projects, give full play to their innovative capabilities, and break through real-world problems. For the topic of tension winch design, its culvert has a wide range of knowledge and is extremely comprehensive. Students must rely on their excellent professional skills and vast knowledge, plus they must have a certain degree of computer graphics. ability. Therefore, students can actively think and delve into this design topic, so that students can gain the ability to analyze and solve problems, and thus can also accumulate work experience that will help the future.


This paper mainly describes the development history of hydraulic technology of tension winch and its current development situation at home and abroad, and briefly describes the development trend of hydraulic tension winches. At the same time, this paper briefly describes and analyzes the common hydraulic circuit of the hydraulic tension winch, designs and analyzes the small hydraulic tensioning system designed for the subject, and determines the required hydraulic components to complete the selection through further calculations. Use AutoCAD to draw schematics for the hydraulic system, work tank assembly, hydraulic layout, and tank parts drawings. Finally, the feasibility of this design was verified by checking.

Keywords   conveyor  hydraulic system  tensioning winch  design

带张紧绞车的带式输送机液压拉紧系统设计(含CAD零件装配图) [资料来源:http://think58.com]

目       录
摘 要    Ⅰ
1绪 论    1
2张紧绞车设计方案    4
2.1张紧绞车设计要求    5
2.2确定液压系统方案    5
2.3张紧绞车总体结构    6
3张紧绞车各部分设计    7
3.1钢丝绳的选择    7
3.1.1钢丝绳直径计算    8
3.1.2钢丝绳强度校核    9
3.2卷筒设计    9
3.3卷筒轴的设计    11
3.4减速器的选择    16
3.4.1减速器方案的比较    16
3.4.2减速器型号及相关参数的确定    17
3.4.3减速器强度的校核    18


3.4.4减速器输出轴轴端负荷的校核    19
3.5 机架设计    19
4 张紧绞车液压系统设计    20
4.1基本方案的制定    20
4.2液压系统的绘制    21
4.3 液压元件计算与选择    22
4.3.1 液压马达    22
4.3.2 液压泵    23
4.3.3液压阀    24
5 液压站的设计    26
5.1 液压站的组成及类型    26
5.1.1 液压站的组成    26
5.1.2油箱的用途    26
5.1.3 油箱的计算    27
5.2选择过滤器    30
5.3 油管和管接头的选择    32
5.3.1油管的选择    32
5.3.2管接头的选择    32
结论    33
致谢    34
参考文献    35 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]