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上世纪发展了一种卧式多室流化干燥器。这种设备结构简单,操作方便,适用于各种难干燥的粉粒状物料和热敏性物料的干燥。如聚乙烯、农药、人造肉、硫酸铜、食盐等。但卧式多室流化干燥器的热效率比多层流化床干燥器低,尤其是在采用较高热空气温度时其热效率将显得更差。随着应用技术的不断发展,流化床干燥器的型式及应用也越来越多,设备的分类方法也有所不同。多年来,流化床干燥器在工业上有许多应用。流化床干燥器是近年来发展的一种新型高效干燥器。目前在化工、轻工、医药、食品等工业中已广泛应用,而且已逐步推广到造粒、煅烧、冷却等方面。干燥时由于气固两相逆流接触,剧烈搅动。固体颗粒悬浮于干燥介质之中,具有很大的接触表面积,无论在传热、传质、容积干燥强度、热效率等方面都很优良。流化床干燥器操作简单,劳动强度低,劳动条件好,检修方便,运转周期长。由于床层温度平稳,干燥效果亦好。目前应用最广的卧式振动流化床干燥器,形状和基本结构与普通卧式流化床干燥器很相似。筛板在圆筒箱体内与箱体中心为轴做左右上下振动,物料在筛板上在振动的作用下做上抛翻转循环运动和向出口端直线运动。物料依靠机械振动和穿孔气流双重作用流化。为了易于保存和贮藏,减少运输费用,易于装卸,获得希望的产品质量等目的,通常需要对各种物料进行干燥,干燥机由此应运而生。国内大量应用的振动干燥机,如振动流化床干燥机,振动筛分干燥塔等,多数是以振动输送干燥为主。而在实际设计和制造中,把振动电机的安装角度设计成可调,通过调整振动电机安装角和振动电机的偏心块重合度,使此种干燥机处于最佳状态下工作,因此,振动流化床干燥机结构设计是一项有实际意义的工作。本设计是根据干燥过程的基本原理,针对其它机型的特点和社会的需求,在已有成功设计实例的基础上,参考以前设计者的经验和结论,进行的设计。在设计中,主要以振动流化床干燥机为研究对象,分析了其它干燥机的不同特点以及存在的问题,由此探讨振动流化床干燥机结构设计。 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]

关键词:  振动流化床;  振动;  干燥机

In the late 1960s early 1970s the development of a multi-room horizontal flow of driers. This simple structure of equipment, easy to operate, difficult to apply to a variety of dry powder materials and granulose Reminxing materials dry. But horizontal flow more room than the thermal efficiency of dryers fluid bed dryers multi-storey low, especially in a hot air temperature, the higher thermal efficiency will be even worse. With the continued development of applied technology, fluid bed dryers patterns and applications is also increasing, equipment classification is different. Over the years, fluid bed dryers have many applications in industry, such as single cylinder-shaped fluid bed, multi-storey cylinder-shaped fluid bed dryers, fluid bed dryers horizontal multi-room, a blender fluid bed, inert particles fluid bed, vibration fluid bed. Fluid bed dryers is a new development in recent years, efficient dryers. Currently in the chemical industry, light industry, medicine, food and other industries has been widely applied, but has gradually extended to Zaoli, calcine, cooling and so on. Dry because Qiguliangxiang current contact dramatic mix. Solid particles suspended in the dry medium, the contact surface is significant, both in heat transfer, transmission quality, volume dry strength, thermal efficiency aspects are fine. Fluid bed dryers operate simple, low labor intensity, good working conditions, overhaul facilities functioning cycle long. The bed-temperature stable, dry results also good. Currently the most widely applied horizontal vibration fluid bed dryers, and the basic structure and shape of the ordinary horizontal fluid bed dryers very similar. The difference is that the entire fabric through the spring-loaded support on the base, a material-tilted slightly porous panels, fabric side or on both sides with the electrical vibration. Materials rely on mechanical vibration and perforation of the dual roles of the flow of air currents, and vibration role in the forward movement.For being easy to keep and storing, to reduce conveyance expenses, be easy to pack to unload, acquire the product quality of hope etc. purpose, we usually need to dry various materials , so the dry machine emerges with the tide of the times from here. The vibration dry machine that is applied in great quantities in our country, such as the vibrating fluidized bed dryer,the vibration riddle dry tower etc., in most of them the product is transported by vibration. Usually, the dryer that works in the form of flowing , the speed of them is between the critical flow speed and subside speed. But in the actual design and the manufacturing, the gearing angle that is designed become adjustable, and can make the dryer works in the best appearance by adjusting the gearing angle and the partiality piece. The design of vibrating fluidized bed dryer is a work that have a actual meanin。According to the basic principle of the dry process, and aiming at the characteristics of other models and the need of the society, in this text the designer is carried on at the foundation of having already had a successful designed example. In the design, I take the vibrating fluidized bed dryer for a research object, and analyze the different characteristics and existent problem of other dryers, then I begin my design. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]

Key words :  Vibrating desiccation of bed ;  Vibrarate ;  Oscillation

(2)物料颗粒在热气流中处于悬浮状态,得到充分混合和高度分散,颗粒的所有表面都参与热质交换,故气固两相间的传热传质系数高; [资料来源:http://think58.com]



目  录
    第一章 绪 论      1 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
    1.1 干燥技术的概述      1
    1.2 干燥过程中物料的性质      2
    1.2.1 物料的状态      2
      1.2.2 物料的物理化学性质      2
      1.2.3 物料与水分结合的性质      3
    1.3 干燥技术的发展前景      3
    第二章 振动流化床干燥机      7
    2.1 振动流化床干燥机的工作原理      7
    2.2 振动流化床干燥机的工作特点      7
    2.3 振动流化床干燥机的应用范围      8
    2.4 振动流化床干燥机的相关介绍      9
      2.4.1 振动的作用      9
      2.4.2 隔振弹簧      9 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
    2.5 工艺参数的分析      9
      2.5.1 影响因素的分析      9
      2.7.2 结论分析      11
    第三章 系统力学分析      12
    3.1 振动流化床干燥机的振动特性      12
    3.2 振动流化床干燥机的空气动力学及床层特性      14
      3.2.1 振动流化床的床层压降       14
      3.2.2 最小流化速度 和操作气速       15
      3.2.3 物料的输送速度       15
      3.2.4 振动流化床的宏观床层特性      16
    3.3 噪音测定及调整      16
    3.4 物料运行状态的调整      17 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
    第四章 振动流化床干燥机的设计      18
    4.1设计原理      18
      4.1.1振动系统      18
      4.1.2分布板      18
      4.1.3气体预分布器      20
      4.1.4流化床干燥机的分类      20
      4.1.5振动流化床的热工计算      20
    4.2 振动流化床干燥机的力学计算及结果分析      22
      4.2.1 振动流化床干燥机力学计算      22
      4.2.2 固定电机的地脚螺栓联结校核      26
      4.2.4 结果分析      34
    第五章 振动流化床的环保措施      35


    第六章结论      36
    参考文献      37
    致谢      38 [来源:http://think58.com]