
密 惠 保
密 惠 保
The design of the outer shell of SF500/100 Scatter grading device and the original improvement discussion
Abstract:This topic carries on the design of the outer shell of scatter grading device and the original improvement, in the shell design we have determined first the shell’s size parameter, then carries on the stress analysis to the essential place, in the improvement part, we have carried on the careful analysis to the original design, pointed out the original design deficiency, then makes the reasonable improvement to it.Scatter grading device is the new blank cake which is published at the beginning of the 90's hits the divergence to choose the equipment, the aggregate cake to scatter with the size grading in a body, with the extruder necessary use, it may eliminate the disadvantageous influence extrusion grinder edge funnel and opens in when the engine off process and the normal work the big pellet which fully extrudes to the following grinding system has not been produced, which obtains the effect of the large scale production increase energy conservation. Because the rolling machine working instruction has stipulated: when the equipment starts the hydraulic system should be at the release of pressure condition. Therefore, when the rolling machine start process there will have massively material through roller press which have not after the effective extrusion. This is also the important reason that in scatter grading device involvement to push the press powder to be grinded in front of the craft system the extrusion pre- powder to rub the system output to enhance the scope not to be big also the existence big undulation. Scatter grading device carry on using the centrifugal impact crash principle to the material scatters, to disperse the shape realization graduation using the inertia and the aerodynamics principle.The gringing in the craft system in the extrusion union powder may obtain increases production 100% to 200%, frugal uses electricity above 30%, grinds the body consumption reduce above 60%.
Key words: Roller press; Compressed grinding system; Scatter grading device
本课题是进行SF500/100打散分级机内外筒体及原设计改进探讨。该设备是与辊压机配套使用的新型料饼打散分级设备。处理对象为经挤压磨挤压后的矿渣料饼;处理量为80~120t/h ;分级粒径为 0.2~2mm 。
a 本课题来源:课题来源于江阴水泥厂,由于辊压机在挤压物料具有选择性粉碎的倾向,所以在经挤压后产生料饼中仍有少量未挤压好的物料,加之辊压机固有的磨辊边缘漏料的弊端和因开停机产生的未充分挤压的大颗粒物料将对承担下一阶段粉磨工艺产生不利地影响,制约系统产量地进一步提高。因为辊压机操作规程中规定:设备启动时液压系统应处于卸压状态。所以,在辊压机启动过程中将有大量未经有效挤压的物料通过辊压机。如果将打散分级机介入挤压粉磨系统后与辊压机构成的挤压打散回路可以消除以上的不利因素,将未经过有效挤压,粒度和易磨性未得到明显改善的物料返回辊压机重新挤压。
b 要完成本课题的基本前提条件是:完成对SF500/100打散分级机的内外筒体及打散分级机盖板的合理设计,在不降低工作效率的前提下对原设计的打散分级机进行合理的改进,确定一个最佳的方案。 [来源:http://think58.com]
c 技术要求:设计出的打散机对料饼分散均匀,能顺利选粉分级,节能并尽可能降低磨损,改进后的机器设计合理,运行良好稳定。

1 前言 1
1.1本课题的来源、基本前提条件和技术要求 1
1.2本课题要解决的主要问题和设计总体思路 1
1.3预期的成果及其理论意义 1
2 总体方案论证 2
2.1 国内(外)发展概况及现状的介绍 2
2.2 打散分级机的工作原理 2
2.3 主要结构介绍 3
3 具体设计说明 4
3.1 原方案的筒体结构参数的设计 4
3.2 螺栓组联接的结构设计 5
3.3 螺栓联接的强度校核 6
3.4 钢板焊接方面的处理 8
3.5 原设计改进部分 9
3.5.1 方案的提出 9
3.5.2 改进的打散分级机主要尺寸的确定 10
3.5.3 风轮电机的选型 10
3.5.4 打散电机的选型 14
3.6 设备的安装要求 16
3.7 预期效果 17
4 结论 18
(毕业设计网 )
参考文献 19
致谢 20
附录 21
图名 图号 图幅
1 DSF500/100打散分级机 DSF500-00 A0
2 筒体 SF5000.08 A0
3 盖板 SF5000.08.01 A2
4 档料筒 SF5000.08.02 A4 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
5 护筒 SF5000.08.03 A3
6上部筒体 SF5000.08.04 A2
7回风筒 SF5000.08.05 A3
8底座 SF5000.08.04.01 A3 [来源:http://think58.com]
9加强板 SF5000.08.04-01 A4
10支架 SF5000.08.06 A3
11 内筒 SF5000.08.07 A3
12 外锥(一) SF5000.08.08 A3 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
13 内锥 SF5000.08.09 A3
14支架 SF5000.08.10 A4
15 外锥(二) SF5000.08.11 A2
16 出料口(一) SF5000.08.12 A3 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
17出料口(二) SF5000.08.13 A4
18 出料口筒体 SF5000.08.14 A3
19衬板 SF5000.08-01 A4
20小盖板 SF5000.08-02 A4
21压板 SF5000.08-03 A4
22 调节档板 SF5000.08-04 A3