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如有需要请联系 QQ:306826066 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
摘 要:本设计是应楼王淀粉厂的要求而进行设计的,由于目前面筋的生产过程全部为手工作业,工作环境十分恶劣,然而面筋的市场需求量很大(由于其营养价值和市场地位高),所以面筋的机械化操作显得尤为迫切。面筋机的设计分为三个部分:面筋机的坯片导出和切断装置的设计和卷绕装置的设计。本课题为螺旋管状面筋机总体及坯片导出装置设计,着重设计面筋机的坯片导出及切断装置。由于面筋特有的粘弹性质,以及参照去年设计的面筋机样机,在此重新提出的解决方案为:一定量的面筋通过螺旋丝杠的挤压从大料斗被送至小料斗,中间通过切料刀具切断,以便控制单个面筋的重量。被切断的面筋通过导出口导出,被送至卷绕装置卷绕。面筋由于要先切断后通过小料斗导出,所以采用凸轮机构来控制比较方便。采用一大一小两个料斗是更利于面筋的导出成型。这样的设计符合工厂的实际生产需要,满足食品生产的卫生要求,有很高的市场经济的价值。
关键词:面筋;成型机;螺旋管状;坯片导出 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
The Design of The Overall and The Piece Educing Setting Unit of The Spiral Tubular Gluten Machine
Abstract :The design is requested by Louwang starch factory. The operation of the mechanization of the gluten is especially impendency because the production of the gluten is handiwork at present, the work circumstance is very abominable, and the gluten’s demanding is massive (because of the nutritional value and the market niche). The design of gluten molding machine divided into three parts: the piece educing setting unit, the cutting setting unit and the winding device unit. This project is the design of the overall and the piece educing setting unit of the spiral tubular Gluten machine. It mainly introduce the design the piece educing setting unit and the cutting setting unit because of its unique viscoelastic nature, and the reference to the last design of the gluten molding machine. The solution of the design of the gluten molding machine: The certain amount of gluten is sent from the big hopper to the small hopper through the helical screw extrusion. The gluten is cut by the middle cutting tool materials. The weight of the single gluten is controled by the cutting tool materials. The gluten which is cut is educed by the export of gluten guidance .The device is sent to the winding device unit. Because the gluten should be cut before it is sent to the export of gluten guidance through the small hopper, the use of cam mechanism to control is more convenient. The two hoper is more conducive to the gluten derived molding. The design accords with the practical production need of the factory and meets the sanitation demand of the food production .So the design of the gluten shaping machine has a high market economic value.
Key words:gluten; shaping machine; spiral tubular; piece educing
目 录
1 前言 1
2 面筋机系统整体设计 2
2.1 总体方案论证 2
3 面筋机坯片导出及切断部分具体设计说明 4
3.1 进出料口形状设计 4
3.2电动机及减速机选择 6 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
3.3电磁离合器选择. 6
3.4联轴器选择 7
3.5链轮设计及校核 7
3.5.1链轮的设计. 7
3.5.2链轮较核 8
3.6凸轮设计 9
3.7轴设计与主要轴的校核 10
3.7.1传动轴的尺寸设计 10
3.7.2中空轴的尺寸设计 13
3.7.3从动轴的尺寸设计. 14
3.7.4传动主轴较核 15
3.8滑动丝杠副选择计算 16
3.9轴承及轴承座选取 16
3.9.1轴承的选取 16
3.9.2轴承的安装方法 17
3.9.3轴承的预紧. 17
3.10弹簧的设计计算及校核. 17
3.10.1弹簧的设计 17
3.10.2弹簧疲劳强度验算 21
4 强度校核 22
4.1螺栓校核 22
4.2键校核 22
4.3销校核 23
5 结论 24
参考文献 25
致 谢 26
附 录 27
1 前 言