
密 惠 保
摘 要
本设计的题目为“坝后式水电站电气部分设计”。设计的主要内容包括:负荷分析及其计算;水电站的装机容量分析;电气主接线及设计;短路电流计算;经济性方案的分析;电气设备的选择;设备的继电保护;防雷及接地保护等。 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Hydropower Project in the layout of the plant downstream of the dam on the side of the ground (usually close to the dam) of the hydropower station called Bahou-hydropower station,. Bahou-river hydropower station suitable for slower slope, a dam built the conditions of the river. The main advantage of this power station is the dam and the plant into its own building system, a relatively simple structure, the construction of the plant and dam interfere with each other less. Because the plant near the dam, located in this way can the diversion dam, power generation shorten the length of pipe. Bahou-hydropower station in Bashang You have greater capacity to regulate the flow of water reservoirs, to increase the installed capacity of power plants, electric power system to adapt to the peak load regulation requirements, the use of water than the full, comprehensive utilization of the benefits of high , And often can not only play a role in flood control, Hennessy also meet other requirements. [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
Bahou-hydropower plant electrical design is part of the main transformer and the choice of the main electrical wiring diagram of the design. Will be mentioned in the design load analysis, the short-circuit, and lightning protection equipment, such as the choice of the design and calculation. This is normal operation of hydropower stations and ensure that people working and living conditions of the necessary electricity.
The design was entitled "Bahou-hydropower station electrical part of the design." Design of the main elements include: load analysis and computation; installed capacity of the hydropower station; main electric wiring and design; short-circuit current calculation of the programme of economic analysis, the choice of electrical equipment; relay equipment; mine and ground protection and so on.
Key words:Dam type ;electrical;water electricity station;design
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 水电站的概述及发展趋势 1
1.2 本次设计的基本思想 2
第2章 负荷分析及其计算 3
2.1 电力负荷的概述 3
2.1.1 电力负荷分类方法: 3
2.2 电力负荷的分析及计算 4
2.3 水电站及变电所厂用电负荷分析 6
2.3.1 电力负荷分类 6
2.3.2 水电厂自用电 7
2.3.3 变电所自用电 8
第3章 水电站的装机容量分析 10
3.1 选择机组台数,单机容量及水轮机型号 10
3.2 发电机的支承结构(机座或机墩) 12
3.3 确定水轮机的主要参数 13
第4章 电气主接线及设计 15
4.1 电气主接线应满足以下几点要求 15
4.2 电气主接线的基本要求 15
4.3 电气主接线的原则 17
4.4 母线的基本接线形势 18
4.4.1 单母线接线 18
4.4.2 单母线分段接线 19
4.4.3 双母线接线 19
4.4.4 变压器-线路单元接线 20
4.4.5 桥形接线 20
4.5 气主接线的设计及绘制 21
第5章 短路电流计算 22
5.1 短路概述 22
5.2 造成短路的原因 22
5.3 短路危害 22
5.4 水电站短路电流的计算 23
5.5 变电站短路计算 26
第6章 经济性方案的分析 29
6.1 发电厂主接线方案的比较 29
6.2 对于变电站方案的比较 30
第7章 电气设备的选择 33
7.1 水电站电气设备的选择 33 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
7.2 变电站电气设备的选择 34
7.3 高压电气设备的选择 35
第8章 继电保护 39
8.1继电保护装置基本性能 39
8.2继电保护的作用 39
8.3变配电站继电保护的基本工作原理 39
8.4电气继电保护的类型 40
8.5 本次设计的继电保护及原理图 41
第9章 防雷及接地保护 44
9.1 防雷保护 44
9.2 避雷针 44
9.3 避雷器 45
9.4 防雷接地 46
9.4.1 变电站的防雷方案 46
9.4.2 防雷措施 46
9.4.3 防雷计算 47
9.5接地保护 47
第10章 结 论 49
参考文献 50
致 谢 51
附 录Ⅰ: 55
附 录Ⅱ: 63
附 录Ⅲ 64
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