
密 惠 保
Electric furnace fire retardant control strategy
Abstract:The unit of the thermal power unit used in the boiler combustion of the power plant is a complex control system.In this paper, a model predictive controller (MPIDMAC) based on generalized PID structure is proposed.Using the Lyapunov two type function, it is proved that the energy of the control algorithm is progressive and stable.From the simulation results, the algorithm is superior to the static performance, which is superior to the PID control algorithm, and has strong anti - disturbance ability and robust system.
Key words: model algorithmic control; PID control; multivariable model; boiler-turbine coordinated control [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1背景及意义 1
1.2锅炉研究现状 1
1.2.1国外电厂锅炉研究现状 1
1.2.2国内电厂锅炉研究现状 2
2.锅炉的控制模型及控制目标 3
2.1控制模型 3
2.2控制目标 3
3.多变量模型预测控制及改进 5
3.1传统增量式PID 5
3.1.1传统增量式PID的发展 5
3.1.2传统增量式PID的基本原理 5
3.1.3传统增量式PID的不足 7
3.2多变量MAC算法 8
3.2.1多变量MAC产生与发展 8
3.2.2多变量MAC的基本原理 8
3.3多变量PIDMAC控制算法 10
3.3.1基于状态空间方程的多变量PIDMAC控制算法 10
3.3.2多变量PIDMAC稳定性分析 12
4.仿真分析与对比 14
4.1仿真系统模型 14 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
4.2火电系统的控制结构 14
4.3仿真软件的设计与实现 15
4.3.1多变量增量式PID仿真 15
4.3.2多变量MAC仿真 16
4.3.3多变量PIDMAC仿真 17
4.3.4多变量PIDMAC、多变量PID、多变量MAC控制算的比较 18
4.4本章小结 20
5.总结与展望 21
参考文献 22
致谢 24