
密 惠 保
关键词:智能配电网 故障恢复 分布式电源
The Design of Fault Recovery Decision System for Smart Distribution Network
In recent years, there have been many blackouts happened worldwide, which have seriously affected people’s production and life. The investigation shows that most of the faults occur on the distribution network side. Distribution network topology is complex and there are many related devices. The different time and space of the faults determine the changeable recovery strategies after the faults. In addition, with higher permeability of distributed generation (DG) and flexibility of load demand side management, distribution network has more flexibility in management, control and recovery. In order to ensure the distribution network’s safe and stable operation and improve the power supply’s reliability, it is necessary to make full use of the lead-in wire reserved and DG to restore important loads in the distribution network. [资料来源:THINK58.com]
At present, there are many feasible methods for the strategy of fault recovery in distribution networks. However, after distributed generation is connected to the power grid, the difficulty of processing the fault will increase correspondingly. Therefore, a method that can solve this problem needs to be proposed. First of all, it is to use distributed power to restore power to higher-critical loads, which, to some extent, improves the reliability of the network's power supply. According to the distributed generation capacity and the network’s topology structure, the optimal recovery load set within the feasible range of the island is determined, and the isolated load switch combination is combined to restore and supply power to islands for important loads. Secondly, by updating the remaining network structure, closing the connection switch in the network to form a ring network, and selecting the optimization solution for the unlooping switch combination, so as to achieve the goal of minimum network loss.
Key Words: Smart distribution network; Fault Recovery; Distribution Generator

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.2 配电网供电故障恢复现状 2
1.2.1 传统配电网的供电恢复 2
1.2.2 含DG配电网的供电恢复 3
1.3 配电网恢复策略现状 3
1.3.1传统的数学优化算法 4
1.3.2启发式的搜索算法 4
1.3.3人工智能算法 4
1.4 论文研究的主要内容 6
第二章 基于图的配电网拓扑结构分析 7
2.1 基于图的网络拓扑分析 7
2.1.1 图的基本原理 7
2.1.2 图的表示法 8
2.1.3 基于图的配电网拓扑搜索 10
2.2 配电网的结构分析 13
2.3 本章小结 15
第三章 配电网的潮流计算 16
3.1配电网的潮流计算原理 16
3.1.1 三种电力系统中的节点类型 16
3.1.2 复杂电力系统的潮流方程 16
3.1.3 潮流计算的约束条件 17
3.2配电网的潮流计算方法 18
3.2.1 牛顿-拉夫逊(N-R)算法 18
3.2.2 前推回代法 25
3.2.3 各潮流计算方式比较 27
3.3本章小结 27
第四章 含DG配电网的故障恢复 28
4.1 配电网中的负荷 28 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
4.1.1 配网中负荷的类型 28
4.1.2 配电网负荷的可控性 29
4.2 配电网中的分布式电源 29
4.2.1 配电网DG的基本类型 30
4.2.2 配电网DG的运行控制方式 32
4.3 配电网恢复数学模型 33
4.3.1 目标函数 33
4.3.2 约束条件 34
4.4 含DG配电网故障恢复方案 34
4.4.1 含DG配电网故障恢复简介 34
4.4.2 含DG配电网故障恢复流程 35
4.5 算例分析 36
4.6 本章小结 42
总结 44
参考文献 45
附录 48