
密 惠 保
摘 要
关键词:科技大楼 智能化设计 消防 视频监控 安防
Design of an electronic technology building intelligent systems
This paper mainly describes the design of an electronic science and technology building intelligent systems, including the basis and principles of design; methods and processes of design; results of design.
In this design, we take into account the actual needs of Electronic Science and Technology Building, set the automatic fire alarm systems, video surveillance systems and security systems.
Automatic fire alarm system includes the calculation of the number of detectors, the choice of detector. Set fire control room on the first floor. The system uses a centralized alarm system, the general set of smoke detectors.
The design of the video surveillance system includes the selection of the camera, the calculation of the distance and the angle of the focal length, the distance and the angle. In order to meet the needs of social development, video surveillance subsystem adopts full digital network equipment.
Security system design including the design of access control, intrusion alarm design and electronic patrol design. Intrusion alarm system using passive infrared detector; access control subsystem using single double door controller based on network cabling; electronic patrol system with security patrol the punch.
The purpose of this design is to apply the theory of knowledge, combined with practice, through their own design practice, to master the general steps and methods of building electrical design and flexible use.
Key words: Science and technology building intelligent design fire video surveillance security
本工程建筑物:电子科技大楼(地上部分)。占地面积:7860.3m2,建筑面积69468m2 ,共二十三层(不含地下),主体二十三层,局部六层,一层层高5.1m,二层层高4.5m,三层层高4.5m,四层至六层局部层高4.5m,四层至二十三层主体层高3.6m,建筑物总高度82.5m,为一类高层建筑,耐火等级为一级。

摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 项目概况 1
1.2 设计依据 1
1.3 设计内容 2
1.4 各系统设计简介 2
1.4.1 火灾自动报警与系统 2
1.4.2 视频监控系统 2
1.4.3.安全防范系统 2
第二章 火灾自动报警系统 4
2.1 系统概述 4
2.2 设计原则 4
2.3 方案设计 4
2.3.1.系统的保护等级 4
2.3.2.系统形式 4
2.4 系统设计 5
2.4.1 系统结构 5
2.4.2 消防控制室的位置和面积 5
2.4.3 探测器的位置布置、种类选择、数量计算 5
2.4.4 火灾报警按钮的设置 8
2.4.5 火灾应急广播 8
2.5 注意事项 8 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
2.5.1.内部协调 8
2.5.2设计余量 9
第三章 视频监控系统 10
3.1系统概述 10
3.2摄像头的成像原理 10
3.3设计原则 10
3.4前端设计 10
3.4.1镜头的选择 10
3.4.2、镜头焦距选择计算 11
3.4.3摄像机安装位置选择以及数量统计 11
3.5传输部分设计 12
3.5.1传输方式 12
3.5.2线型选择 12
3.5.3线路敷设 12
3.5.4控制方式选择 12
3.6终端设计 12
第四章 安全防范系统 14
4.1 系统概述 14
4.2 设计原则 14
4.3 系统方案 15
4.3.1 入侵报警系统 15
4.3.2 门禁系统 16
4.3.3电子巡更系统 18 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
结语 22
参考文献 23
致谢 24