
密 惠 保
摘 要
The protection and tuning of 110kV Power Grid
With the rapid development of the power system,Network security is increasingly becoming a top priority for the planning and design issues,Therefore, the protection an tuning of grid becomes vital.Protection refers to the power system failures or anomalies were detected, thus an alarm signal, or simply part of the fault isolation, removal of an important measure.
The system is designed to be an example, according to the design requirements of the system for calculating and setting, in accordance with the system structure and the distribution of the load, determine the system's maximum and minimum operating mode, the electrical components from the system parameters calculation, network short-circuit current calculation. Calculation of short-circuit types, including two-phase and three-phase short circuit shorted to ground. Finally, configuration and protection setting calculation to ensure grid security and efficient operation.
Keywords: power system ;the protection of line; protection setting ;calculation

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 前言 1
1.1课题的背景与意义 1
1.2继电保护的基本要求 3
1.3 课题资料 4
第二章 系统中各元件的主要参数计算 5
2.1 标幺制及标幺值计算方法 5
2.2 输电线路参数的计算 6
2.3变压器的参数计算 7
2.3.1双绕组变压器的参数计算 7
2.3.2三绕组变压器的参数计算 8 [来源:http://think58.com]
2.4 发电机的参数计算 10
第三章 短路电流的计算 11
3.1 短路概述 12
3.1.1短路电流计算步骤 13
3.1.2短路计算方法 13
3.1.3短路计算公式 14
3.2系统运行方式分析原则 15
3.3最大运行方式下的短路电流计算 16
3.3.1 最大运行方式下三相短路电流的计算 16
3.4最小运行方式下的短路电流计算 20
3.4.1两相接地短路电流的计算 21
第四章 线路保护与整定计算 29
4.1输电线路保护选择 29
4.1.1输电线路保护主要形式 29
4.1.2本线路保护主配置 30
4.2 输电线路保护的原理 30
4.2.1电流保护的基本原理 30
4.2.2 距离保护的基本原理 32
4.3电流保护的整定计算 35 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
4.4 相间距离保护的整定计算 37
第五章 总结 39
参考文献 40
致谢 41 [资料来源:THINK58.com]