
密 惠 保
密 惠 保
The electrical design and calculation of Dong Tai Lian Fu office building
The thesis includes five Chapters. previous four Chapters are mostly about the design of the forceful electric power PartChapter 5 are mostly about the design of the light current and fire-fighting. The part of the forceful electric power mainly including: the distribution system of the low voltage, lighting system and rounding for lightening systematical composeamong others include load calculation, illumination calculation .
Select lighting design based on standard illuminance values, choose the right lighting and lamps; sure each room (or place) the number and arrangement of lighting devices based on illumination standards; checking whether the glare of the main places to meet the standards; determine lighting equipment control methods and devices; determine lighting distribution systems. Power distribution equipment to determine the manner and according to the power distribution layout diagram provided conditions; determine the power distribution system. Specify distribution box number, type, equipment capacity, trunk, trunk model specifications and user names in the power plan view. In the system indicated in the figure calculated load various types of electrical equipment [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
The part of the light current mainly including: Public Broadcasting System, Closed Circuit Monitoring. The part of the fire-fighting mainly including: the design of the warning system and linked system etc.
This electrical design of the office building is a graduation design, The purpose of this design is to give us a chance of synthetical usage of the knowledge we have learned. Besides, it can train our ability to analyze and solve practical problems in Construct electricity in dependently so that the theory is connected with practice and a solid base is made in favor of future work.
Key Words: Electrical design;strong electrical;weak
1.2 工程概况

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 建筑电气概况 1
1.2 工程概况 1
1.3 设计内容 1
第二章 配电系统设计 3
2.1 负荷等级及供电要求 3
2.1.1 负荷等级分类 3
2.1.2 供电要求 3
2.1.3 配电方式 4
2.2 负荷计算 7
2.2.1 负荷计算的方法 7
2.2.2负荷计算方法选取原则 7
2.2.3有关负荷计算的几点说明 7
2.2.4 本工程负荷计算 8
2.3 导线选择 12
2.3.1 电缆选择原则 12
2.3.2 选择结果 14
第三章 照明系统设计 15
3.1 总则 15
3.2 照明光源的选择 15
3.3 照明灯具的选择 15 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
3.4 照度和照明方式的选择 16
3.5 一般照明 17
3.5.1 办公照明一般设计原则 17
3.5.2 设计结果 19
3.6 应急照明 19
3.6.1 应急照明的分类 20
3.6.2 应急照明灯具选择 20
3.6.3 应急照明灯具布置 20
3.6.4 设计结果 20
3.7 照度计算 21
3.8照明配电 22
3.9房间插座布置 24
第四章 公共安全系统设计 25
4.1 火灾报警系统 25
4.2系统的形式及设备布置 26
4.3 火灾探测器 27
4.3.1 火灾探测器类型 27
4.3.2 火灾探测器的选择 28
4.3.3 点型火灾探测器的设置数量 28
4.3.4 火灾探测器的安装位置 29
4.4 本工程消防系统 30
4.5 安防系统设计 31 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
第五章 综合布线系统设计 33
5.1 电话、网络系统 33
5.1.1概念 33
5.1.2 电话网络系统设计的一般规定及特点 33
5.1.3 电话网络系统的组成 33
5.1.4 电话、网络系统总体设计结果 34
5.2 弱电部分线缆敷设 36
总结 37
参考文献 39
致谢 41