
密 惠 保
摘要: 为了提高粉磨效率,满足生产工艺要求,设计了用于粉磨水泥生料的Φ2.4×10m球磨机的筒体部分。设计了一种开流形式能实现圈流工艺的粉磨工艺系统,选定了具有选粉作用的双层隔仓板,物料通过篦板进入双隔仓中间的空间,由扬料板收集到导料锥上,合乎要求的物料进入下一仓,粗料返回一仓继续粉磨,实现磨内自选粉的工艺过程。设计了筒体、中空轴、端盖的结构,并进行了强度校核计算,确保其长期安全可靠。对磨内衬板进行了选型设计,同时合理地选择了磨内研磨体的级配,以保证整个粉磨系统的正常生产。
The design of the Φ2.4×10m ball mill (cylinder part)
Abstract: In order to improve grinding efficiency and meet the demands of production technology,the cylinder part of the Φ2.4×10m ball mill used in grinding the raw material of cement is designed. The open-current grinding system which can achieve closed-current is designed, the double-deck separter storehouse board used to choose the balls is chose,when material passes the lean into the double-deck separate storehouse,it is collected by the cone body,partial material which is qualified enters into the next storehouse,while big material retures back till it is qualified,then the system comes ture the process of free choosing technology in the mill.The cylinder,empty axle and overlay are designed,the intensity is checked,to guarantee it is safe and reliable for a long time.The liner of the mill is designed,proper grading the grinding media, so as to ensure the whole grinding system to product normally.
Key words: boll mill; grinding efficiency ; grinding system;
double-deck separate storehouse board