
密 惠 保
1 绪论.............................1
1.1 螺旋钻采煤机国内外的研究现状............... 1
1.2 螺旋钻采煤机的特点................... 1
1.3 采煤机发展的历史..................... 1
1.4.1 20世纪70年代是我国综合机械化采煤起步阶段........ 2
1.4.2 20世纪80年代是我国采煤机发展的兴旺时期........ 2
1.4.3 21世纪90年代是电牵引采煤机发展的时代....... .. 4
1.4.4 21世纪是螺旋钻采煤机发展的时代....... ..... 5
1.5 采煤机的发展趋势................... 6
1.5.1 我国采煤机的发展展望....... ..... 6
1.5.2 今后我国螺旋钻采煤机的研究目标....... ..... 6
2 螺旋钻采煤机.............. .. .. .. .. 10
2.1 MZ75/165型螺旋钻采煤机简介.............. 10
2.1.1概述.......................... 10
2.1.2 主要技术参数 ....................10
2.1.3 结构特点.....................11
2.2截割电机的选择................. 11
2.3 传动方案的确定..................... 12
2.3.1传动比的确定................... 12
2.3.2 传动方案的确定...................12
2.3.3 传动比的分配....................14
2.3.4 减速器结构设计...................14
3 传动系统的设计....................... 14
3.1 各级传动转速、功率、转矩的确定............. 16
3.2 齿轮几何尺寸的计算................... 26
3.3 轴、轴承、花键的设计、选择及其强度校核..........30
4 齿轮轴加工的工艺卡片.................... 64
5 使用与维修
5.1 螺旋钻机的主机......................65
5.2 井上检查与试运行.................... 65
5.3 解体下井运输................. ..... 66
5.4采煤机的操作...................... 66
5.5维护和检修.................. . . . 67
总结 ............................ 68
参考文献 .......................... 69
英文原文....................... 70
中文译文........................ 76
致谢 ........................... 80
摘 要 [来源:]
关键词:采煤机 ;截割部 ;锥齿轮
In this paper, the content is about the optimize design of the MZ75/165 coalrecovery auger.
The MZ75/165 coalrecovery auger is the one with several electric motors disposed and hydraulic haulage. It consists of electric control System , hydraulic System, host computer and toll of drill and so on. The machine mainly fits the thin coal seam. There are three AC electric motors in the coalrecovery auger: two of them are 75KW cutter motors and the left one are 15KW pump motor. The merits of the machine are simple structure, maintain and replace conveniently The opposite is that the power of the electric motors can not be used efficiently. The MZ75/165 coal machine is compatible with all kinds of chain conveyor.
This paper is mainly about the design of the drive. The drive is a speed reduction unit. It consists of three stage drives. The power applied by the cutter motor through hydraulic coincidence device, one epicyclic gearing and second spur gear transmissions drives the drilling rod to cut coal.
Keywords: Shearer ;cut unit ;Epicyclic gearing