
密 惠 保
关键词:秸秆粉碎 捡拾器 秸秆还田 秸秆深埋
Design of fiber material rotary burying machine
This topic is the design of the fiber material rotary embedding machine, various methods and means should first consult the relevant literature at home and abroad to understand the current treatment of straw biomass, in recent years due to low carbon environmental protection, people's awareness of energy conservation, all countries have a certain development in the straw, straw is now mainly a straw strapping machine, ditching machine, but there are some shortcomings, this machine the machine structure, performance, design.
Mainly divided into three parts: the straw pickup device, straw crushing device, straw burying device. The pick-up device design source pickup in straw baler, pickup structure is complex and not traction combined harvester, picking up the speed is limited to 1~2 per minute, the ring, chain drive, and because the problem of horizontal chain wheel structure can not meet the requirements, so the vertical layout, considering the sag of the chain, the small sprocket wheel and the big chain wheel with 50mm spacing in the horizontal direction. The power transmission crushing device by a belt, mainly because the knife shaft speed is above 1000r, and design two a rotation in the opposite direction of the cutter shaft, has achieved good crushing effect, the design of the active cutter shaft through a gear transmits power to the driven axis, and agricultural machinery for gear accuracy usually 8 precision, and 8 level Straight gear speed can not meet the requirements, improve the accuracy will increase the cost of many, relatively reasonable. Because the helical gear grinding blade thickness is small, if the blade is limited long keyway on the cutter shaft circumferential movement will reduce the strength of the shaft, the shaft will be processed into the shaft. [来源:http://think58.com]
Key words: straw crushing pickup; straw returning; straw deep burying
1.1 原始数据及技术参数
1.1.2 技术参数
粉碎机由3kw电机驱动,由4根普通V带传动动力,再由一对齿轮同时带动两刀轴进行粉碎,物料落入料斗,料斗正下方下装有开沟器,底下土层顺铲尖铲壁到达上方,粉碎的秸秆正好进入锄铲式开沟器内部并达到土壤深处。 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]

摘要 I
第一章 原始参数、技术参数及工艺路线 1 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
1.1 原始数据及技术参数 1
1.1.1本课题设计参数 1
1.1.2 技术参数 1
1.2工艺路线 1
第二章 弹齿捡拾器设计计算 3
2.1捡拾器结构尺寸设计 3
2.2弹齿设计 3
2.3电机选择 4
2.4传动装置的设计 4
2.4.1传动比的分配 5
2.4.2动力传动系统的运动及参数计算 5
2.4.3链传动设计计算 5
2.4.4齿轮传动设计计算 7
2.4.5轴的设计计算 8
2.5轨道的设计 11
第三章 输送装置设计 13
3.1导料板设计 13
3.2拨杆设计 13
第四章 粉碎装置设计计算 14
4.1粉碎机的选择 14
4.2锯片基本参数设计 14
4.3电机选择 14
4.4传动装置的设计 15 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
4.4.1传动比的分配 15
4.4.2传动装置的运动、动力参数计算 15
4.4.3带传动设计计算 16
4.4.4齿轮传动设计计算 17
4.4.5方轴的设计计算 19
第五章 落料及深埋装置设计计算 21
5.1料斗设计 21
5.2开沟器设计 21
第六章 机架设计结算 23
6.1机架设计 23
第七章 设备经济性分析 24
7.1设备生产制造成本分析 24
7.1.1材料成本 24
7.1.2辅材成本 24
7.1.3人工成本 24
7.1.4标准件成本 24
7.2设备使用成本分析 25
7.2.1耗能成本 25
7.2.2零件磨损更换 25
7.2.3操作成本 25
7.3综合成本分析 25
结束语 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29