
密 惠 保
摘 要
随着现代化科技地飞速发展,人类对于自动化机械的依赖程度也愈加增大,同时,人们对于生活环境的质量也有了更高的要求,纯体力的工作已经越来越不为人们所接受,传统的工作生活方式也必然会逐渐淡出人们的视线。手推式清扫车的出现对于许多人来说是一个福音,它解放了大量的劳动时间,节省了人们许多的体力,极大地便捷了人们的生活 。但随着国内外科技地日益发展,对于清扫机的性能及功能必然会有很大提升要求。同时,面对着世界经济格局的改变,进一步开发出更好适应市场需求的产品是件迫在眉睫的事。
关键词: 扫地 清扫机械 手推式清扫车
The Design of Push Sweeper
With the rapid development of modern science and technology, the dependent of people on the automation of machinery is increaing, and people also get more demand on the quality of the living environment. Pure physical work has been increasingly accepted by people, traditional working lifestyle will certainly gradually disappear from sight. Push sweeper appeared to be a surprise for many people, it has liberated a large amount of labor time and saved a lot of physical power, greatly imoroved people's lives. But with the growing science and technology to the development ,sweeping machines need to have a big upgrade requirements..
At the same time,facing the harder situation of economy,it is time to desiring better push sweeper.
This paper has attempted to present the design and research ideas about the sweeper. The detailed designs are as follows:
1. Discoursed the significance of the hand push sweeper , and present the main research content of this paper.
2. Raise the design requirements based on the analysis of demand. Reference to the domestic advanced equipment and technology related to the overall design of the proposed device.
3. Combination of advanced mechanical design theory and some other related knowledge of the mechanical systems equipment completed a study on complete wheels, motor, transmission, frame structure design.
4. Used AUTOCAD software to draw the body parts and assemble drawings, and annlysed the motion.
Tried to simplify the mechanism to improve the productivity and automation.of push sweeper .
This design referentced other similar mechanical design in the design process, and learned their advantages to complete the hand push sweeper design.
Key words : sweeping cleaning robot push sweeper

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 概 述 1 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
1.1 引言 1
1.2 清扫车的简介 1
1.3 清扫车的概况 2
1.4 清扫车的发展趋势 3
第2章 手推式清扫车的设计 5
2.1 手推式清扫车的总体设计 5
2.1.1 机械系统方案设计 5
2.1.2 蓄电池的选择 6
2.1.3 执行机构的设计 7
2.2 清扫车传动装置总体设计 9
2.3 清扫车传动机构的设计计算 10
2.3.1 电机-主轴带传动设计计算 10
2.3.2 主轴-Ⅱ轴带轮设计计算 13
2.3.3 Ⅲ轴-Ⅳ轴带轮设计计算 15
2.3.4 主轴的设计计算 17
2.3.5 键的校核 22
2.3.6 锥齿轮的设计计算 22
2.3.7 锥齿轮的校核计算 27
第3章 结语 29
参 考 文 献 30
致 谢 32