
密 惠 保
摘 要
关键词:卸船机 梯形架 结构设计
1200t/h to get good models of the distribution of high frequency since the last century 90's up to now, China's economy has gone through 20 years of rapid development, regional, international trade continued prosperity, bulk cargo trade ship unloading machine this into account in inland river shipping and maritime cargo handling port lifting machinery play a important role in ship unloading machine, bridge type grab ship unloader machine with its flexibility and operation by the waves, maintenance workload is small the advantage of the most widely used. This paper bridge type grab unloader ship machine as the research object, involving the bridge type grab ship unloader machines running process in different conditions and under the station working state. After unloading ship machine's overall design calculation, trapezoidal frame tower structure design and calculation of the related content, and the use of finite element analysis combined with theoretical calculations, provides a bridge type grab unloading ship machine design and calculation method of, in particular the trapezoid frame the structure design and calculation of concrete, to meet requirements of the ship unloader is safe and stable work, provide necessary supplement and support for the lifting of the normal operation of the entire. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Key words: ship unloaders,trapezoidal frame ,structure design
起重量 25吨(额定生产率:1200吨/小时)
前伸距:27 后伸距:19.5m
起升速度:满载140m/min, 空载:180m/min
俯仰时间: 0-80 度 〈 6min

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章绪论 1
第二章载荷计算 2
2.1符号及参数说明 2
2.2金属结构部分 3
2.3整机固定部分 6
2.4前大梁总成 7
2.5 整机重量及重心 9
2.6小车总成 10
2.7 起升载荷计算 13
2.8动载荷计算 13
2.9 风载荷计算 14
第三章轮压计算 21
3.1 漏斗及货物重量 21
3.2 轮压计算 21
第四章起重机稳定性计算 23
4.1 静载情况下倾覆力矩计算 23
4.2动载情况下倾覆力矩计算 24
4.3突然卸载情况下倾覆力矩计算 25
4.4暴风下非工作状态的倾覆力矩计算 25
第五章梯形架的内力计算 26
5.1 节点选取说明 26
5.2工况和工位说明 27
5.3 各工况工位载荷计算 27
第六章梯形架的强度和刚度验算 54
6.1AD段截面几何特性计算 54
6.2AD段的强度验算 56
6.3 AD段的刚度验算 61
6.4 AD段的稳定性验算 63
6.4.1 腹板的局部稳定性验算 64
6.4.2 翼板的局部稳定性验算 64
6.5 AB段截面几何特性计算 65
6.6 AB段的强度验算 65
6.7 AB段的刚度验算 67
6.8 AB段的稳定性验算 67
第七章经济性分析 68
7.1 材料用量计算 68
7.1.1 钢材用量计算 68
7.1.2焊缝用量计算 68
7.2加工及检验成本 69
第八章结论 70
参考文献 71
致谢 73