
密 惠 保
Lorry-mounted crane, Lorry-mounted crane, also known as the accessory crane, is to realize the cargo handling and transport by special vehicles, it has both common truck transport function, and there is a crane lifting handling function. With the increasing demand of social construction, it is widely used in various industries such as transportation, playing a more and more important role in the development of the society. Like other engineering machinery hydraulic drive, hydraulic system is a very important part of the lorry crane work system. So, this article emphatically started from aspects of the design of the hydraulic system, including the energy saving of hydraulic system factors, and the simulation operation. [来源:http://www.think58.com]
This paper chose the straight arm lifting type lorry crane as the research object, introduced the composition and characteristics of the hydraulic system, carried on the detailed research and analysis on the lifting loop, expansion loop, rotary loop and leg loops and caculated the parameters of the important components among them. Apart from that, simulation analysis of different hydraulic components was made in the hydraulic simulation software AMEsim, to analyze its energy saving features。
Not only did this paper make a simple energy saving analysis of load sensitive pump, but also design a simple accumulator energy storage circuit, analyze the circuit calculation and estimate the effect of energy saving.
Key words: lorry crane; The hydraulic system; simulation analysis;Energy saving analysis

摘要 V
Abstract VI [资料来源:http://think58.com]
第1章绪论 1
1.1随车起重机概述 1
1.2国内外随车起重机的发展现状及未来发展趋势 1
1.2.1国外的随车起重机的现状 1
1.2.2国内的随车起重机的现状与发展 3
1.3课题研究的背景和意义 4
1.4研究的主要成果 4
第2章液压系统回路的设计 4
2.1起升机构液压回路 4
2.1.1回路要求 5
2.1.2起升回路的设计与说明 5
2.2伸缩机构液压回路 6
2.2.1伸缩机构液压系统要求 6
2.2.2伸缩机构的方案选择 6
2.2.3伸缩机构液压原理图与说明 8
2.3变幅机构液压回路 10
2.3.1变幅机构的基本要求 10
2.3.2液压式变幅机构的选择 11
2.3.3变幅机构液压原理图及其说明 12
2.4回转机构液压回路 12
2.4.1回转机构的基本要求 13
2.4.2回转机构类型的选择 13
2.4.3 回转机构液压原理图与说明 14
2.5支腿机构液压系统的设计 14
2.5.1支腿机构的基本要求 15
2.5.2两种支腿回路的液压系统与说明 15
2.6随车起重机的操作流程 16
2.7本章小结 17
第3章各液压系统回路的计算 18
3.1起升机构设计计算 19
3.1.1 满载启动状态马达轴的最大负载力矩 19
3.1.2起升马达的最大转速及排量 19
3.2回转机构的计算 20
3.2.1 满载启动状态的最大阻力矩 20
3.2.2回转马达的最大转速及排量 22
3.3支腿回路的计算 23
3.3.1垂直支腿缸受力计算与分析 23
3.3.2垂直支腿油缸的计算与选型 26
3.3.3支腿水平推出液压缸的计算与选取 26
3.4变幅机构液压系统的计算 27
3.4.1变幅液压缸受力计算 27
3.4.2变幅液压缸的计算与选型 29
3.5 伸缩机构液压系统的计算 30
3.5.1伸缩液压缸的轴向力和行程的计算 30
3.5.2双作用二级伸缩缸的计算与设计 32
3.5.3伸缩回路上加装的减压阀的计算 33
3.5.4伸缩臂双作用二级伸缩缸的液压冲击与缓解方法 35
3.6液压回路管路及其油箱的计算 36
3.6.1管道的计算与选择 36
3.6.2油箱的容积确定 37
3.7液压系统效率验算 37
3.7.1液压系统压力损失的验算 37
3.7.2液压系统总效率的验算 38
3.7.3系统的热平衡验算 39
3.8液压元件选型 39
3.8本章小结 42
第4章节能回路与节能分析 43
4.1负载敏感泵节能技术 43
4.1.1负载敏感泵回路 43
4.1.2负载敏感泵液压回路数据分析 44
4.2能量回收节能分析 47
4.2.1蓄能器能量回收的基本思路与原理 47
4.2.2蓄能器能量回收系统的设计仿真 48
4.3本章小结 50
第5章经济性分析 51
5.1随车起重机结构的经济分析 51
5.2随车起重机液压系统经济分析 51
第6章总结与展望 52
6.1总结 52
6.2展望 52
致谢 54
参考文献 55
附录 1 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]