
密 惠 保
摘 要
随着各处地铁、高铁的铺设, 越来越多的目光转移到了铁路牵引作业上,作为牵引作业的牵引车更是众人的焦点。国内绝大部分牵引车使用的还是普通机车牵引车,并且需要多人作业,这就需要设计一款能减少操作人员又能提高劳动效率的牵引车。
With the subway and high-speed rail laying, more and more attention has shifted to the railway traction operation. As a traction tractor, it is the focus of attention.Most tractors in China use ordinary tractors and require more people to work, so it is necessary to design a tractor which can reduce operator and improve labor efficiency.
This thesis mainly uses the strength calculation of the material mechanics, and designs and checks the mechanical structure of the electric remote control double-purpose tractor according to the working conditions, including the design check of the traction device, the guiding device, the reducer, the steering device and the body.
Through the finite element simulation of the designed mechanical mechanism, the design of the road and railway dual-model tractor ensures that the road and railway dual-model tractor is safe and reliable, and can meet the design requirements. In this paper, the road and railway dual-model tractor can achieve single-person remote control efficient operation, and the internal structure of compact, safe and reliable. With its special steering system can easily guide the upper and lower rails, highway and railway two modes of flexible switching, simple and convenient operation, whether indoor or outdoor can play an excellent performance.
Key Words:Electric road and railway dual-model vehicle;Tractor;Mechanical structure
2.1 公铁两用车的性能参数与重要部件
表2.1 公铁两用性能参数与部件
性能与部件 参数
适用轨距 1435mm(中国标准铁路轨距)
驱动 四个驱动电机,功率3.7kw,转速
转向 2个转向电机,转矩6N•m,转速2000r/min
制动距离 ≤2m
重量 3500kg
电源 锂蓄电池,(3.2V,120个)
车轮 共四个,能够180°旋转,能承载1000kg,直径∅300mm
速度 牵引作业时0~5km/h
工作噪音 ≤60dBA
定位精度 ≤±7mm;
遥控距离 200~400m
制动 电磁制动器
减震弹簧 能承载250kg直径∅68mm
导向轮 在铁轨上行走时的车轮,共四个

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究目的及意义 1
1.2 国内外现状 2
1.2.1 国外现状 2
1.2.2国内现状 3
第2章 公铁两用车机械结构设计 4
2.1 公铁两用车的性能参数与重要部件 4
2.2 公铁两用车机械结构总体设计 4
第3章 公铁两用车部分机械结构设计与校核 6
3.1 牵引座的设计 6
3.1.1 牵引座的受力分析 6
3.1.2 牵引座的结构设计与校核 9
3.2 导向装置的设计 12
3.2.1 导向装置的受力分析 12
3.2.2 导向装置的结构设计 12
3.3 减速器的设计 17
3.3.1 减速器的计算 17
3.3.2 减速器的结构设计 18
3.4 车体的设计 33
3.4.1 车体的零部件的布局 33
3.4.2 车体的结构设计 34
第4章 关键部分的有限元分析 38
4.1 牵引座的限元分析 38
4.2 导向装置的有限元分析 39
4.3 车体的有限元分析 40
第5章 公铁两用车工作过程分析 42
第6章 总结 44
参考文献 45 [资料来源:http://think58.com]