计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



通过对清洗装置的各项选型与设计,相关分析与校核,最终确定了该装置的整体技术指标,与目前主流的清洗装置进行比较,具有清洗效率高,重量轻,小型化,灵活化等特点,对高空清洗作业的研究发展有一定的意义。 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]

Based on the current development status of glass curtain wall cleaning operations, this paper proposes a new type of high-altitude glass curtain wall cleaning device and uses the modeling software Inventor to model and design the entire device. The solution is connected to the top of the building through two flexible cables. At the same time, the other side bypasses the drive roller on the left and right side of the cleaning device respectively, and the flexible motor can be controlled by the servo motor to drive the cooperative retraction of the flexible cable and the angle of the flexible cable guided by the circular guide rail to control the flexible movement of the cleaning device on the wall surface. The vacuum suction cup provides reliable adsorption capacity, enabling it to be firmly adsorbed on the wall surface and complete the cleaning operation smoothly.
The paper mainly studies the structure selection and size of each component of the cleaning device, the force analysis during the driving process of the flexible cable, and determines the relationship between the winding mode of the flexible cable and the device's own weight and the required weight, and analyzes the cleaning device at work. In the actual work space can be achieved, and put forward its operating dynamics of the cable retractable model, provides a basis for the design of the control system. This article analyzes the strength of the important components in the cleaning device and the extra torque that will be generated when the device is in a special position, and determines the safety weight limit range.


Through the selection and design of the cleaning device, correlation analysis and verification, the overall technical specifications of the device are finally determined. Compared with the current mainstream cleaning devices, the device has high cleaning efficiency, light weight, miniaturization, and flexibility. Such characteristics have a certain significance for the research and development of high altitude cleaning operations.

Key Words:cleaning robot;glass curtain wall;double cable;vacuum sucker;Autodesk Inventor;circular guide;
柔索移动单元总体尺寸:500x700x220 mm。


第1章绪论    1
1.1 课题研究背景、目的及意义    1
1.2各种清洗机器人的分类比较    2
1.3目前国内外研究概况    2
1.3.1国外研究状况分析    2
1.3.2国内研究状况分析    3
1.4本文主要研究内容    4
第2章清洗装置方案设计    5
2.1设计目标    5
2.2清洗装置的结构功能设计与尺寸确定    5
2.2.1双柔索驱动的壁面全向移动单元    8


2.2.2负压吸盘单元    11
2.2.3滚刷清洗单元    13
第3章清洗装置本体机构设计与相关分析    15
3.1 双柔索驱动的移动单元的设计与分析    15
3.1.1辊轮槽数的计算    15
3.1.2圆弧导轨的设计与分析    17
3.1.3清洗装置工作空间与动态分析    18
3.2 负压吸盘单元    22
3.2.1吸附时清洗装置下滑作业中的受力分析    22
3.2.2清洗装置越障时动态分析    24
3.2.3安全性分析与计算    25
第4章清洗装置控制系统设计    27
4.1清洗装置总体控制系统的要求    27
4.2清洗装置本体控制系统的硬件设计    27
4.3清洗装置本体控制系统的软件设计    28
第5章总结与展望    30
参考文献    31
致谢    33