
密 惠 保
摘 要
关键词:槽式太阳能集热器 蜗轮蜗杆减速器 销齿传动 聚光器 CAD&Pro-E
The overall design of trough solar collector
On the backdrop of Environmental pollution and energy shortages, the development of hydro, wind, solar and other renewable energy has become urgent needs to human. Currently the use of solar water heaters have gained wide popularity, but this approach, while saving energy but not fundamentally solve the problem of energy shortage. Use of solar power is the solution to the current energy, resources and environmental issues is an effective way and methods.
Currently, more mature solar power technology for photovoltaic and solar thermal power generation. In solar thermal power generation, through the condenser generate heat and thus a higher efficiency of electricity generation and more applications. There are three kinds of solar thermal power generation system . Among them, the trough solar thermal power generation system is compact, its solar thermal radiation collection device footprint than the tower and dish systems to be smaller 30% to 50%;and parabolic trough collector device manufacturing components required form small,easy to implement standardization, suitable for mass production; sunlight for focusing parabolic concentrator processing simple, lower manufacturing costs, less supplies a series of advantages, and thus become the focus of people's studies.
In this paper, common trough solar thermal collector overall power generation system was designed and analyzed. Mainly in the design process is based on the power transmission path for all parts of the design. First, according to solar collectors working conditions primaries a more appropriate stepper motor, then select a suitable under known conditions of single-stage worm gear reducer and checked by calculating determine whether it satisfies the condition. For the pin gear transmission parts, gear ratio and other conditions required under strict checking calculations and derived data based on the last part machining. Finally, the design of the condenser, where condenser includes a mirror and bracket, which is used in some of the major common and processing technology is mature design. After the calculations are complete design data, according to the above data to draw all the major parts of the CAD drawing and Pro-E part and assembly drawings and simulation exercise. Through this graduation project so that we are familiar with the overall design of solar collectors the basic steps and methods, integrated use of "mechanical principle", "Mechanical Design" courses, theory with practice, to broaden and deepen knowledge of the profession, improve my overall quality. In short, through this design, I learned a lot which will be engaged in relevant aspects of my future research work has laid a solid foundation. [来源:http://www.think58.com]
Keywords:Trough solar collector; Worm gear reducer; Pin wheel drive;
Condenser ; CAD&Pro-E

目 录
摘要 I [资料来源:THINK58.com]
第一章 绪论 1
1.1太阳能热发电介绍 1
1.2太阳能热发电发展障碍与展望 4
1.3传动方案的分析和拟定 5
1.4本文的目的及主要研究内容 6
第二章 蜗轮蜗杆减速器设计 7
2.1传动装置总设计 7
2.2选择蜗杆传动类型 9
2.3选择材料 9
2.4按齿面接触疲劳强度进行设计 9
2.5蜗杆与蜗轮的主要参数与几何尺寸 10
2.6校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度 11
2.7验算效率 12
2.8热平衡计算 12
2.9蜗杆轴设计 13
2.10蜗轮轴的设计 14
2.11滚动轴承的校核 18
2.12联接键的选择与校核 20
2.13本章小结 21
第三章 销齿传动设计计算 22
3.1销齿传动的特点及应用 22
3.2销齿传动工作原理 22
3.3销齿传动的设计 25
3.4本章小结 28
第四章 聚光器 30
4.1聚光器的设计要求 30
4.2聚光器种类 31
4.3聚光器的现状及发展 33
4.4本章小结 36
第五章 Pro/E建模及仿真.................................. ........................................................37
5.1Pro/E主要特性 37
5.2 Pro/E建模过程 38 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
5.3机构装配 43
5.4本章小结 46
第六章 结论与展望........................................................................................................47
参考文献 49
致 谢....................................................................................................................................50