
密 惠 保
本文中从中部槽的设计选用、运行阻力的计算、计算电动机功率、计算刮板链的预紧力和紧链力、验算刮板链的安全系数、减速器设计等入手,在设计中刮板输送机采用了机头、机尾双驱动,传动部平行布置的总体设计。本文还对传动部的齿轮进行了设计计算和校核,对重要的轴、键进行了强度校核,对主要轴承进行了寿命校核,对其他部分进行了选用,从多个方面对250万吨矿井刮板输送机进行选型计算,具有一定参考价值。 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Selection Design of 2.5 Million Tons Mine Scraper Conveyor
Scraper conveyor is the only transportation equipment in the fully mechanized coal mining face. The side of the scraper conveyor is connected with the hydraulic support to provide a fulcrum for the movement of the support. It is laid along the working face, connected with the hydraulic support by a jack, to provide a running track for the shearer, to transport the coal falling from the shearer into the trough transfer machine, and then transported to the coal bin of the mining area through the retractable belt conveyor to complete the coal conveying process of the working face. Therefore, the reliable, stable and efficient operation of the scraper conveyor will directly affect the production capacity of the mine and the economic benefits of the coal enterprises. With the continuous development of coal mining in our country towards the long wall and large height fully mechanized coal face, the increasing of coal mining volume, safety, high yield and high efficiency have become the pursuit goal of all coal enterprises. Therefore, the performance requirements of all coal enterprises for fully mechanized coal mining equipment are also rapidly increasing. The increase of demand will encourage the domestic coal machinery manufacturers to turn the focus of research and development to the heavy-duty scraper conveyor with large installed power, large transportation capacity, long transportation distance, high strength and high reliability, which is also the future development direction of scraper conveyor. Therefore, the correct selection of scraper conveyor is very important for the efficient operation of coal face. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
In this paper, starting from the design and selection of the middle slot, the calculation of running resistance, the calculation of motor power, the calculation of the pre tightening force and the tightening force of the scraper chain, the calculation of the safety factor of the scraper chain, the design of the reducer, etc., in the design, the scraper conveyor adopts the overall design of the head and tail double drive, and the transmission part is arranged in parallel. In this paper, the design calculation and check of the gear in the transmission part, the strength check of the important shaft and key, the life check of the main bearing, and the selection of other parts are also carried out. The selection calculation of the 2.5 million ton scraper conveyor in the mine from various aspects has certain reference value.
Key words: scraper conveyor; running resistance; reducer; selection

摘要 i
Abstract ii
1绪论 1
1.1刮板输送机的组成 2
1.1.1机头部 2
1.1.2中部槽及附属部件 3
1.1.3刮板链 4
1.1.4紧链装置 4
1.1.5推移装置 5
1.1.6锚固装置 5
1.2 刮板输送机的分类 5
1.3 刮板输送机的应用 5
1.4 刮板输送机的工作原理 6
1.5 刮板输送机的特点 6
1.6 刮板输送机的发展现状和趋势 6
1.7新型刮板输送机 7
2 总体设计 8
2.1刮板输送机设计计算 8
2.1.1中部槽的设计选用 8
2.1.2运行阻力的计算 10
2.1.3计算电机功率 11
2.1.4计算刮板链的预紧力和紧链力 12
2.1.5验算刮板链的安全系数 12
2.2传动方案的设计 13
2.2.1传动方案的确定 13
2.2.2总传动比及传动比分配 13
2.2.3传动装置运动参数的计算 14
2.3减速器传动件设计计算 15
2.3.1传动部弧齿锥齿轮设计计算 15
2.3.2 中速级斜齿圆柱齿轮设计计算 26
2.3.3传动部行星机构的设计计算 34
2.3.4圆环链链轮设计计算 40
2.4 SGZ1000/2×700中双链刮板输送机技术特征 42 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
3零部件的设计及校核 43
3.1轴的设计及校核 43
3.1.1高速轴的设计校核 43
3.1.2第二轴的设计计算 48
3.1.3初算第三轴轴径 55
3.1.4初算行星轮系各轴径 55
3.1.5初算链轮轴径 55
3.2轴承的寿命校核 56
3.2.1高速轴轴承寿命计算 56
3.2.2第二轴轴承寿命的计算 57
3.3键的设计与强度校核 59
3.3.1高速轴普通平键设计校核 59
3.3.2链轮轴渐开线花键校核 60
3.4联轴器的选用 61
4刮板输送机的使用和维修 63
4.1刮板输送机的安装与试运转 63
4.1.1刮板输送机零部件的存放 63
4.1.2安装与调试 63
4.1.3刮板输送机的使用与维护 65
4.2刮板输送机的润滑 67
4.3常见故障及处理方法 68
附录 70
参考文献 76
外文文献 78
中文翻译 84
致谢 89