
密 惠 保
摘 要
Structure design of three-degree-of-freedom movable welding robot
The continuous development of the industrial level, the application of large-scale welded structural parts is more and more extensive, most of the welding work must be on-site, such as container corrugated plate welding robots, large ship cabins, deck welding, large spherical tanks (storage tanks) ) Welding etc. In this welding situation, as long as the welding robot adapts to the changes in the welding seam, it can improve the level of welding automation. Therefore, the combination of robot technology and welding seam tracking technology can better achieve the goal of automatic welding of large structural parts in the field. This topic is to achieve the inverse solution of robot kinematics, the overall design of the car body, and the selection of motors. From the perspective of the inverse kinematics of the robot, complete the inverse kinematics within a cycle, and obtain the motion rules of the three joints according to the movement, and the functional relationship between the joint movements, thus completing the overall design of the entire robot . After analyzing the force of the car, design the wheel and car body. Complete the selection of the motor based on the problems encountered in actual operation. Finally, check the gears to ensure that the gears can complete the specific operation requirements.Abstract [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Key words:Three degrees of freedom; mechanism design inverse kinematics; strength chec;

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题的依据及意义 1
1.1.1 选题的依据 1
1.1.2 选题的意义 2
1.2 研究现状及发展趋势 3
1.2.3 移动焊接机器人的研究现状及发展趋势 7
1.2.4 移动焊接机器人的研究现状及发展趋势 8
1.2.5 焊接机器人机构设计的研究现状及发展趋势 11
1.2.6 运动学分析的常用方法 13
1.3 本课题的研究设计内容及方法 13
1.3.1 三自由度焊接机器人机构运动学分析 14
1.3.2 焊接机器人结构设计 14
1.4 课题的完成情况 15
2 焊接机器人机构运动学分析 16
2.1 运动学分析数学基础-齐次变换(D-H变换) 16
2.1.1 齐次坐标 16
2.1.2 齐次变换 17
2.2 变换方程的建立 17
2.2.1 机构运动原理 17
2.2.2 运动学模型 18
2.3 运动学分析处理方法 20
2.3.1 替换处理 20
2.3.2 衔接处理 20
2.3.3 逆解函数 21
2.4 逆解过程 21
2.4.1 AB段(过渡段1) 21
2.4.2 BC段(波内斜边段1) 25
2.4.3 CD段(过渡段2) 26
2.4.4 DE段(直线段1) 29
2.4.5 EF段(过渡段3) 30
2.4.6 FG段(波内斜边段2) 33
2.4.7 GH段(过渡段4) 34
2.4.8 HI段(直线段2) 37
2.5 结论 38
3 结构设计 40
3.1 小车行走结构设计 42 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
3.1.1 车体结构方案的比较与选择 42
3.1.2 小车驱动电机功率的确定 43
3.1.3 结构设计里齿轮校核 47
3.1.4 结论 50
3.2 Y轴设计 50
3.2.1 Y轴方案设计 50
3.2.2 同步带结构设计 51
3.2.3 Y轴电机选型计算 53
3.2 摆动关节电机选择 54
3.3 结论 55
结束语 57
参考文献 58
附 录 61
外文文献 62
中文译文 69
致 谢 73