
密 惠 保
关键词:中风 行走辅助机构 康复
The rehabilitation robot technology is a new robot technology developed rapidly recently, which is a new application in medical fields of robot technology. Currently the research on rehabilitation robot has been one of the focuses in the International Society. The rehabilitation robot technology is a synthesis of many subjects, which covers mechanics, electronics, control and rehabilitative medicine and so on; it has been a typical representation of the mechatronics research. The main research of this paper is based on the attitude control gait rehabilitation training system design. [版权所有:http://think58.com]
In this paper, lower extremity rehabilitation and development of robot applications at home and abroad, lower extremity exoskeleton training robot's overall program design, structural design, design and overall control; gait training on the robot for three-dimensional modeling, and important parts to check. The robot gait training has a total of five degrees of freedom, each of which a mechanical leg joints have two (2 DOF) to imitate human knee, hip and a weight relief for weight relief system (including a degree of freedom). The system can be used for brain injury, stroke, and to help patients better rehabilitation training, and meets the needs of different groups of people.
Key words:rehabilitation training robot lower extremity exoskeletons


摘要 I [来源:http://www.think58.com]
第一章 绪论 1
1.1下肢行走辅助机构研究背景 1
1.2 中风病人行走辅助机构研究目的和意义 1
1.3 病人行走辅助机构研究概况 2
1.3.1 国外研究发展概况 2
1.3.2 国内研究发展概况 6
1.4存在问题 9
1.5论文选题意义及研究内容 9
第二章 人体下肢运动分析 11
2.1人体下肢解剖作用 11
2.2下肢主要关节特征 12
2.3 步态分析 14
第三章 椭圆机设计 15
3.1 基于机械设计原理轴的设计(包括套筒的设计,轴承的选择) 15
3.1.1 轴Ⅰ的结构设计 15
3.1.2 轴Ⅱ的结构设计 16
3.1.3 轴Ⅲ的结构设计 18
3.2 螺母的选择及其主要尺寸 19
3.3 椭圆机的人机工程设计 19
3.3.1 椭圆机的简介及其设计要求 19
3.3.2 人体尺寸的选择 20
3.3.3 踏板间距和踏板大小的确定 22
3.3.4 外观及色彩设计 22
第四章 人体负重装置 24
4.1包臀和抱腰的设计 24
4.2负重机构机架设计 24
4.3负重机构的平衡块的设计 25
第五章 Pro/E建模 26
5.1 轴的三维模型形成 26
5.2 轴承的三维模型形成 27
5.3 垫圈的三维模型形成 28
5.4 螺母的三维模型形成 29
5.5 踏板的三维模型形成 30
5.6 底座及其连接部分三维模型的形成 30
5.7 轴连接三维模型形成 31
5.8 杆连接部分三维模型的形成 32
5.9 轴三维模型的形成 33
5.10 杆连接三维模型的形成 33
5.11 负重机构三维模型 34
5.12 椭圆机总装配图的三维模型 35
第六章 结论 36
参考文献 37 [来源:http://think58.com]