
密 惠 保
本文首先对基于激光三角法的线结构光检测原理和摄像机的标定方法进行研究,分析了摄像机标定过程中的坐标系转换关系,并在此基础上分析了摄像机造成图像畸变的原因和畸变矫正方法。然后根据检测原理,制定了密封胶条质量检测系统的检测方案并搭建了系统的总体框架,通过对检测系统中各个硬件设施技术参数的确定和选型,为该检测系统搭建了实验平台,同时编写了实验平台相关控制程序,实现了利用线结构光进行测量的基本工作,为实现更高精度、更快速度的结构光检测系统奠定了基础。 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
In the automobile production process, the automobile sealing performance decides the automobile quality, therefore, to the automobile sealant quality inspection has become the guarantee automobile quality important link. In recent years, modern industry continuously put forward higher requirements for detecting technology, the traditional detection methods have been unable to meet, machine vision technology on non-contact, high accuracy and efficiency higher advantages under the background of this arises at the historic moment and rapid development, and the structure of the optical detection technology as an important branch of machine vision, occupies an important position in the field of measurement. In this paper, based on the principle of line structure detection, a quality detection system of automotive sealant strip based on structure light is designed.
This paper first studies the detection principle of linear structured light based on laser triangulation and the calibration method of camera, analyzes the coordinate system transformation relationship in the process of camera calibration, and on this basis, analyzes the causes of image distortion caused by camera and distortion correction methods. Then according to the principle of detection, made the detection scheme of sealing strip quality inspection system and set up the system's overall framework, based on the detection system in the determination of various hardware technology parameters and selection, set up the experimental platform for the detection system, at the same time to write the relevant experimental platform control program, and has realized using linear structured light measure of basic work, in order to achieve higher accuracy and faster speed of structure light detection system laid a foundation. [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
Key Words:linear structured light;sealing strips;quality inspection;calibration
第四章:系统测试及分析。根据实验平台需要,编写了相关控制程序,主要实现摄像机标定、移动平台位置参数控制和光电传感器控制等功能,并对实验平台进行测试,通过分析测试得出的数据,验证实验平台的可靠性,并对系统误差加以修正。 [资料来源:http://think58.com]


第1章绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 汽车密封胶条质量检测的研究现状 2
1.2.2 结构光测量技术的研究现状 3
1.3 本文主要研究内容 4
1.4 本文结构安排 4
第2章基于结构光的汽车密封胶条质量检测原理 6
2.1 线结构光检测原理 6
2.2 摄像机参数标定 7
2.2.1 标定方法概述 7
2.2.2 坐标系转换 8
2.2.3 图像畸变及畸变矫正 11
2.3 本章小结 12
第3章汽车密封胶条检测系统硬件及实验平台设计 13
3.1 汽车密封胶条检测系统检测方案研究 13 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
3.2 硬件系统及实验平台总体设计 14
3.3 摄像机的选择 15
3.4 激光器的选择 15
3.5 运动驱动部件的选择 16
3.6 本章小结 17
第4章汽车密封胶条检测系统测试及分析 18
4.1 摄像机参数标定 18
4.1.1 摄像机标定程序 18
4.1.2 摄像机标定实验 18
4.2 移动平台位置控制精度测试 21
4.2.1 移动平台位置控制程序 21
4.2.2 光电传感器控制程序 21
4.2.3 移动平台位置控制精度测试 22
4.3 本章小结 23
第5章总结与展望 24
5.1 总结 24
5.2 展望 24
参考文献 25
致谢 27