计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘  要
本次设计的翻转振荡排屑装置可在无人操控下全自动运行。依靠箱体在输送线上不同位置时,通过触碰限位开关,并与其驱动装置中电磁阀与继电器的配合,控制油泵吸油排油,进而带动翻转装置中回转油缸转动,通过振荡装置中循环油路实现振荡,实现整个装置的全自动运行。本次设计主要分为四个部分:翻转装置部分、振荡装置部分和输送滚道部分和液压回路部分。翻转装置设计部分,主要进行翻转装置中回转油缸的零件参数设计,翻转叶片、翻转轴等零件的参数设计与强度校核。由于翻转轴是非标准件,并通过键连接,所以进行了轴的强度校核与轴上键连接强度校核,以及相应轴承的选用和寿命计算。振荡装置设计部分,主要进行振荡循环油路的结构设计与油路的内径计算。输送装置设计部分,拟定使用链条链轮的传动方式,选用减速电动机驱动,并进行链条的型号选用与强度校核。液压系统设计部分,主要进行液压系统原理图的绘制;液压系统参数的计算以及液压泵,液压阀等液压回路中液压元件的选用。 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]

The device designed in this paper is the automatic transmission line of gearbox and the controllable multi-cycle turnover chip removing device, which is used in the gearbox automatic production line to solve the problem of gearbox body automatically transporting to the designated device and cleaning the residual chip inside or on the surface. This device is divided into three main devices, namely, turnover device, oscillation device and conveying device. The turning device is used to turn the gearbox body nearly 180°. The oscillating device can quickly vibrate up and down with small Angle of the box parts to help them to remove scraps. The conveyor is used to transport the box parts to the designated position of each device on the production line.
The chip removal device designed in this paper can run automatically under unmanned control. When the box is at different positions on the conveying line, the limit switch is touched and the solenoid valve and relay in the driving device are coordinated to control the oil absorption and discharge of the oil pump, which drives the rotary cylinder in the turnover device to rotate and realize the oscillation through the circulating oil circuit in the oscillation device, realizing the full automatic operation of the whole device. This design is mainly divided into four parts: the turning device part, the oscillating device part, the conveying raceway part and the hydraulic circuit part. In the design part of the turnover device, it mainly designs the parameters of parts of the rotary cylinder in the turnover device, as well as the parameters design and strength check of parts such as the turnover blade and the turnover shaft. Since the turning shaft is not a standard part and is connected by keys, the strength check of the shaft and the strength check of the key connection on the shaft are carried out, as well as the selection and life calculation of the corresponding bearing. The design part of the oscillating device is mainly about the structural design of the oscillating circulating oil circuit and the calculation of the inner diameter of the oil circuit. In the design part of conveying device, the transmission mode of chain sprocket wheel is proposed, the reducer motor is selected to drive the chain, and the model selection and strength check of the chain are carried out. Hydraulic system design part, mainly for hydraulic system schematic drawing; Calculation of hydraulic system parameters and selection of hydraulic components in hydraulic circuits such as hydraulic pumps and valves.


Key Words:Flip chip removal;Delivery way;Oscillation device;The hydraulic system



目  录
第1章 绪论    1
1.1本次设计装置的发展现状及趋势    1
1.2本次设计的目的及意义    1
1.3本次设计的主要内容    2
1.4装置的整体运行方案与三维模型示意图    2
第2章 翻转装置整体设计    6
2.1变速箱体参数确定    6
2.2翻转机构设计    7
2.2.1翻转机构中回转油缸设计    7
2.2.2回转油缸主要尺寸的确定    8
2.2.3回转油缸缸筒的尺寸与结构设计    8
2.2.4翻转轴主要参数设计与校核    9
2.2.5定叶片上键连接强度校核    10
2.2.6轴承的选用与寿命计算    11
2.2.7轴承座的选用    11
2.2.8翻转装置中密封零件选用    12
第3章 振荡机构整体设计    12
3.1振荡循环油路整体方案选择与设计    12
3.2振荡机构各项参数确定    13


3.3振荡机构内部结构设计    14
第4章 液压系统设计    14
4.1液压系统特点分析    14
4.2液压系统工况分析    15
4.3确定供油路线    15
4.3.1液压回路设计    15
4.3.2液压系统原理图设计    15
4.4液压元件的计算与选择    17
4.4.1液压泵的选择    17
4.4.2驱动液压泵电动机的计算与选择    17
4.4.3阀类元件及辅助元件选择    18
第5章 输送装置整体设计    19
5.1整体输送方案的选择    19
5.2输送装置减速机的选择    19
5.3链条设计与强度校核    19
5.3.1链条的选用    19
5.3.2链条润滑方式的选择    20
5.3.3链传动的强度校核    20
5.3.4链轮的参数确定    20
参考文献    21
致谢    21
