
密 惠 保
This paper ,taking the design of MQ4035 Gantry Crane as an example, describes the dimension design of the four-bar linkage system of the gantry crane, the inspection of the cargo displacement level and the load unbalance moment and the checking of the balance moment of the arm's weight. At the same time, with the help of Excel software, the crane's load and wheel pressure are calculated conveniently and efficiently, and the checking of the stability of the crane against overturning is completed. [来源:http://www.think58.com]
After completing the overall design, this paper also introduces how to use Creo software to build the three-dimensional model of gantry crane and carry out simple motion simulation. The performance of crane can be further simulated by the motion simulation, which improves the accuracy of the design and reduces the design cost.
Key words:MQ4035 gantry crane; general design; load calculation; CREO simulation

第1章绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2课题研究内容 1
第2章总体设计计算 3
2.1初定主要工作机构和金属结构的形式 3
2.2货物水平位移补偿系统 5
2.2.1四连杆组合臂架的原理 5
2.2.2四连杆组合臂架的设计 5
2.2.3组合臂架系统的验算 7
2.3臂架自重平衡 10
2.3.1图解法确定平衡系统各构件的尺寸及活对重 10
2.3.2臂架系统综合不平衡力矩的校验 11
2.4计算载荷 13
2.4.1 起升载荷 14
2.4.2 自重载荷 14
2.4.3货物偏摆载荷 14 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
2.4.4风载荷 15
2.5轮压计算 19
2.5.1各支腿支承反力计算公式 19
2.5.2各工况下的轮压计算 21
2.6抗倾覆稳定性校验计算 23
2.6.1 无风静载工况 24
2.6.2有风动载工况 24
2.6.3突然卸载工况 26
2.6.4暴风非工作状态下 26
第3章门座起重机的运动仿真 28
3.1 CREO的介绍 28
3.2门座起重机的安装 28
3.3门座起重机的运动仿真 29
3.3.1门座起重机运动仿真的建立 30
3.3.2门座起重机运动仿真的分析 31
第4章总结及经济性分析 31
参考文献 33
致谢 35