
密 惠 保
摘 要
首先,基于机器人正逆运动学,建立了IRB6700工业机器人的运动学方程及其逆解。通过工具、工件坐标系的标定分析,提出了一种基于寻点法标定的自动标定工件坐标系的方法以降低机器人末端装夹误差。将离线编程及轨迹规划技术应用于铸锻件打磨中,并基于机器人离线编程软件RobotStudio设计了变速器壳体的磨抛轨迹。 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
The automotive castings and forgings including transmission housings, main reducer housings, engine exhaust manifolds, axles, etc. are characterized by the multi-type & small batch production. The structure of the castings and forgings is complex and varied, and the margin of flash is unevenly distributed. At present, the flashes are generally removed by manual grinding in domestic auto parts manufacturers, which brings many technical, economic, and social problems. Especially the high pollution and recruitment difficulties put forward an urgent need for advanced manufacturing technologies and equipment that can change the current traditional manufacturing model. Robot automation equipment has the advantages of good flexibility, intelligence, expandable force control and other advantages, and has become a paradigm for the priority adoption of high-efficiency and high-quality manufacturing of complex casting and forging parts in automobiles. This thesis applies force control technology to the study of robot grinding and polishing machining. Through processing system calibration, trajectory planning, force control strategy analysis, and process test research, the processing efficiency and quality of casting and forging parts are significantly improved represented by the automotive transmission housing. The main research contents of this article are as follows: [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
First, based on the positive kinematics of the robot, the kinematics equation and its inverse solution of the IRB6700 industrial robot are established. Based on the calibration analysis of the tool and workpiece coordinate system, a method of automatic calibration of the workpiece coordinate system based on manual calibration was proposed to reduce the robot end clamping error. Off-line programming and trajectory planning techniques were applied to the grinding of cast and forged parts, and the grinding and trajectory of the transmission housing was designed based on robot offline programming software RobotStudio.
Secondly, the grinding and polishing force during grinding and polishing of the robot and the static calibration, zero drift and gravity compensation of the force sensor are analyzed, and the gravity compensation algorithm for the end load of the robot under arbitrary attitude is proposed. The common force control strategies are introduced and compared, and a speed control strategy based on normal constant force is proposed to achieve accurate control of the normal force of the grinding and polishing process.
Finally, the constant force grinding test of the abrasive belt is designed and the process parameters of the aluminum alloy test block were optimized. The effects of normal force, robot feed speed, and belt wheel speed on the machining quality are analyzed, and the combination of the optimal process parameters in grinding and polishing of the castings and forgings is determined. The application to the robotic grinding of the automotive transmission housing enables a highly efficient and high-quality automated processing of typical automotive castings and forgings.
Keywords: robotic grinding; trajectory planning; constant force control; workpiece calibration; process parameters
基于大学机器人磨抛研发平台,本文将针对典型汽车铸锻件的机器人磨抛技术进行深入研究,如图 1.5所示,文章主要内容如下:


目 录
摘 要 I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题来源 1
1.2 研究背景及意义 1
1.3 国内外研究概况 2
1.3.1 铸锻件机器人磨抛技术研究现状 2
1.3.2 机器人磨抛中的力控制技术研究现状 4
1.4 论文主要内容与框架 6
1.4.1 主要研究内容 6
1.4.2 论文总体框架 6
第2章 基于离线编程的铸锻件磨抛轨迹规划 8
2.1 机器人运动学基础 8
2.1.1 IRB6700机器人运动学方程 8
2.1.2 IRB6700机器人运动学反解 13
2.2 笛卡尔空间下的轨迹规划 14
2.3 工具坐标系与工件坐标系标定 18
2.3.1 工具坐标系标定 18
2.3.2 工件坐标系寻点法标定 20
2.3.3 基于寻点法标定的工件坐标系自动标定方法 23
2.4 基于离线编程的铸锻件磨抛轨迹生成方法 25
2.5 本章小结 28
第3章 铸锻件磨抛力控制策略 29
3.1 磨抛过程建模及磨抛力分析 29
3.1.1 单颗磨粒磨抛过程建模 29
3.1.2 磨抛力分析 30
3.2 力传感器的标定及补偿 31
3.2.1 力传感器的静标定 31
3.2.2 力传感器的零点漂移补偿 33
3.2.3 任意姿态下力传感器的重力/重力矩补偿 33
3.3 常用力控制策略及其比较 35
3.3.1 阻抗控制策略 35
3.3.2 力/位混合控制策略 36 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
3.4 基于法向恒力的速度控制策略 37
3.5 本章小结 39
第4章 汽车铸锻件机器人磨抛系统搭建 40
4.1 系统硬件 40
4.1.1 机器人及其控制系统 41
4.1.2 ATI六维力/力矩传感器 43
4.1.3 磨削机系统 44
4.2 系统软件 45
4.2.1 RobotStudio仿真及编程 45
4.2.2 MachingPowerPac离线编程插件 46
4.3 系统工作流程 47
4.4 本章小结 48
第5章 基于变速控制的法向恒力砂带磨抛试验 49
5.1 试验设计 49
5.1.1 试验基本量设置 49
5.1.2 试验方案设计 50
5.2 单因素试验过程演变规律 52
5.2.1 变压力试验过程规律及接触力分析 52
5.2.2 变速率试验过程规律及接触力分析 53
5.2.3 变进给试验过程规律及接触力分析 55
5.3 工艺参数对磨削深度的影响 56
5.4 工艺参数对材料去除率的影响 58
5.5 工艺参数对比磨削能的影响 58
5.6 恒力磨抛在变速器壳体加工中的应用验证 59
5.7 本章小结 62
第6章 总结与展望 63
6.1 全文总结 63
6.2 工作展望 63
参考文献 65
附录A 攻读学位期间取得的相关成果 70 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
附录B 相关源程序 71
附B1 变速器标定程序(部分) 71
附B2 变速器壳体磨抛程序(部分) 73
附B3 机器人正逆运动学MATLAB程序(部分) 75
致谢 76