
密 惠 保
摘 要
Abstract [版权所有:http://think58.com]
Under the new environment of the “Belt and Road” new policy, the development of the port has ushered in new opportunities and challenges. With the continuous development of the times, the loading and unloading of cargo at the port is mainly accomplished by port cranes, in order to adapt to different goods and working environment. Derived many types of cranes, there are two main categories: one for the jib swing crane; one for the bridge crane. The crane designed in this paper is a quayside container crane under the bridge crane category.
The quayside container crane is currently the main model of the port for container operations. This article is mainly designed for the lifting mechanism of the 65t/56m quayside container crane.The paper first determines the technical parameters of the crane based on the actual working environment, including basic parameters such as crane working level, total lifting height, full load lifting speed, etc. Then the overall calculation of the crane is carried out to check the wheel pressure and the overall stability of the crane. According to the “Crane Design Manual”, steel ropes, pulleys, reels, motors, speed reducers, etc. The selection and calculation of components and calculations are complemented by AUTOCAD 2D modeling software for the structural arrangement of the hoisting mechanism. Finally, a hoisting mechanism for a 65t/56m quayside container crane that is reasonable and conforms to the actual working conditions and is economical and practical is designed. [资料来源:THINK58.com]
Key words: port crane; quayside container crane; lifting mechanism
(5) 分析了所设计的起升机构的环境影响和经济性分析。
本设计旨在通过对岸桥的轮压、稳定性进行验算以及对起升机构的合理分析,选型,设计出满足65t/56m岸边集装箱起重机设计参数和实际工况,经济环保,安全可靠的岸桥起升机构,并且设计出起升机构各个结构布置形式和装配方案,以及非标准件的制造要求。 [来源:http://www.think58.com]

绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 论文的研究内容和目标 2
1.3.1 研究内容 2
1.3.2 研究目标 3
岸边集装箱起重机总体计算 4
2.1 重量和重心计算 4
2.1.1 固定载荷—DL 4
2.1.2 前大梁计算 7
2.1.3 小车,吊具和吊具上架 7 [来源:http://think58.com]
2.2 惯性载荷 9
2.2.1 大车惯性载荷—LATG 9
2.2.2 小车惯性载荷—LATT 9
2.2.3 堵转力矩载荷 9
2.2.4 吊钩横梁下起重量CBLS和吊钩横梁提升系统重量CBRL 9
2.2.5 小车碰撞载荷 10
2.2.6 大车碰撞载荷 10
2.2.6 大车碰撞载荷 10
2.2.7 冲击载荷IMP 10
2.3 风载荷 11
2.3.1工作风载荷 11
2.3.1非工作风载荷 15
2.4 根据标准轮压载荷组合计算的轮压 17
2.4.1工作工况1(WOP1) 17
2.4.2工作工况2(WOP2) 17
2.4.3工作工况3(WOP3) 18
2.4.4非工作工况,大梁仰起(WS1) 19
2.5 稳定性计算 20
2.5.1 工作计算工况1(ST1D) 20
2.5.2 工作计算工况2(ST2D) 20
2.5.3 工作计算工况3(ST3D) 21
2.5.4 非工作计算工况1(ST1U) 22
2.5.4 非工作计算工况2(ST2U) 22
岸边集装箱起重机起升机构计算 23
3.1 技术参数 23
3.1.1 整机参数 23
3.1.2 重量参数 23
3.1.3 速度参数 23
3.1.4 机构效率 25
3.1.5 机构倍率 25
3.1.5 效率计算 25
3.2 钢丝绳选型 25
3.3 滑轮计算 26
3.4 卷筒计算 26
3.4.1 卷筒尺寸计算 26
3.4.2 卷筒强度计算 28
3.4.3 卷筒稳定性计算 28
3. 6电动机功率计算 29
3.6.1 初选相关参数 29
3.6.2 电机功率选择 29
3.6.3 电机校验 29
3. 7 减速机选择 30
3. 8 联轴器、制动器选型 31 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
3.8.1 高速联轴器选型 31
3.8.2 高速轴制动器选型 32
3.8.3 低速轴联轴器选择 32
3.8.4 低速轴制动器选择 33
第1章 环境影响及经济性分析 34
4.1 环境影响 34
4.2 经济性分析 34
第2章 全文总结 35
参考文献 36