
密 惠 保
The two-axis inertial vibration dehydrator, designed for this mission, consists of a box, a vibrator, a motor, a spring, a base, a screen, and so on. It uses a linear vibrating screen for dehydration, and the main shaft of the two exciters is connected by two motors, respectively. The rotation direction of the main shaft of the two motors is opposite, the material moves on the screen surface, the vibrating body is vibrated by the centrifugal exciting force generated by the exciter, the material is screened through the holes in the screen surface, and the moisture content is screened by the small hole in the screen surface. Flow through the drain under the body. This design has been improved on the basis of the original machine, the use of two-axis motor drive instead of the original use of gear drive force with the same. The step way simplifies the structure and reduces the noise. The motor is placed on the side of the box body to reduce the intensity requirement of the box body. Using two-axis can be installed at a large distance, optimize the structure. After the improvement, the production efficiency is improved, the structure is simplified, the difficulty of maintenance is reduced, and the economic benefit is improved.
Keywords: vibratory dehydrator; vibrator; vibrating screen;
该设计采用双轴惯性式激振器,两个激振器中的对应偏心块质量相等 ,同理偏心块产生的力也相等 ,在两个相同电机的作用下,两个偏心块所在主轴的旋转方向相反,在不同位置产生的离心力,沿着 方向的分力彼此抵消的,而沿 方向的分力是彼此重叠,形成了一个沿着 方向的离心力,在它的作用下箱体进行直线振动。由图可知,当两个离心力方向相同时达到最大,方向相反时达到最小。激振力方向与筛面一般呈 角,因此物料在筛面上做斜抛运动,其中的水分便能透过筛网落下,从而实现脱水。
在激振力作用下箱体做周期性振动。由于安装倾角 ,所以水做反向运动,从箱体下端排水口排出。

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题的提出和意义 1
1.2 振动机械的组成和分类 1
1.3 国内研究状况 1
1.4发展方向 2
1.5课题研究的主要内容和理论基础及应用工具 2 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
第2章 设计方案的确定 3
2.1工作原理及总体方案的提出 3
2.2激振器的选择 4
2.3箱体结构设计 5
2.4电机的布置 5
2.5传动方式 7
2.6弹性元件的选择 8
第3章 动力学分析及参数计算 9
3.1动力学分析 9
3.2 设计基本参数 11
3.3激振器的计算 12
3.5电机的选择 18
3.6质量的计算 18
3.7 弹簧的设计计算 23
第4章 强度校核 27
4.1轴的强度校核 27
4.2轴承校核 34
4.3键的强度计算 35
第 5 章 安装与检修 37
5.1 安装要求 37
5.2 维护与检修 37
第 6 章 经济性分析 38
参考文献 39
附录一 外文翻译 40 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
附录二外文原文 42 [资料来源:THINK58.com]