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热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘 要
近些年,有越来越多企业开始在数控机床上采用直线电机,究其根本原因是:为了提高生产效率和改善零件的加工质量而发展的高速以及超高速加工方式现已成为机床发展的一个重大趋势,一个响应快、轻便的驱动系统是解决此问题的关键所在。直线电机,其速度最高能达到传统传动方式“旋转电机+滚珠丝杠”的10~30倍,加速度最高是传统传动方式的10倍,刚度提高了7倍左右。直线电机直接驱动的进给轴无反向间隙,而且电机惯量较小,所以直线电机驱动系统能够达到较高的响应频率。现在已经出现了大推力直线电机,所以在重型龙门机床上采用直线电机驱动数吨重的运动部件也已不成问题,直线电机驱动技术将是未来数控机床发展的方向。 [来源:http://www.think58.com]


With modern aerospace, would processing, automobile manufacturing, electronic manufacturing industry in areas such as more and more high to the requirement of product processing precision and efficiency, and high speed CNC machine can satisfy this requirement. Machine tool feed system is the main function of high speed machine tool parts. And linear motor feed system completely changed the traditional way of ball screw transmission of large elastic deformation, slow response speed and reverse clearance, easy to wear, are inevitable shortcomings, such as with high velocity, high acceleration, high positioning accuracy, the advantages of stroke length is not restricted, make its gradual development in the field of nc machine tool high-speed feed system as the leading direction.
In recent years, more and more enterprises in the linear motor is used on nc machine tools, its basic reason is: in order to improve production efficiency and the improvement of the machining quality of parts and the development of high speed and ultra-high speed machining has become a major trend in the development of machine tool, a responsive, high speed, light drive system is the key to solve this problem. Linear motor, its highest speed is the traditional transmission mode "rotary motor and ball screw" 10 ~ 30 times, maximum acceleration was 10 times higher than the traditional transmission mode, stiffness increased 7 times; Linear motor direct drive feed shaft without reverse clearance; Since the motor inertia small, composed of the linear motor drive system can achieve high frequency response; Now there have been great thrust linear motor, so on the heavy gantry machine driven by linear motor has tons of moving parts is not a problem, technology driven by linear TV will be the developing direction of high speed nc machine tools in the future. [来源:http://think58.com]

Keywords: linear motor; CNC machine tools; Feed system; High precision


直线电机在龙门加工中心Y轴驱动上应用(含CAD图,CAXA图,UG三维图) [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
直线电机在龙门加工中心Y轴驱动上应用(含CAD图,CAXA图,UG三维图) 直线电机在龙门加工中心Y轴驱动上应用(含CAD图,CAXA图,UG三维图)

目 录 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
摘 要    I
Abstract    II
1  绪论    1
2  直线电机国内外发展现状    2
2.1  直线电机的发展历史    2
2.2  直线电机国内外的研究现状    3
2.2.1  国外直线电机的研究现状    3
2.2.2  国内直线电机的研究现状    5
2.3  直线电机的发展方向和前景    5
2.3.1  直线电机的发展方向    5
2.3.2  直线电机的前景    6
3  直线电机的工作原理    7
3.1  直线电机的基本结构和分类    7
3.1.1  直线电机的基本结构    7
3.1.2  直线电机的分类    8
3.2  直线电动机的工作原理    10
3.3  直线电机的优缺点    12
4  直线电机在龙门加工中心Y轴驱动上的应用    14
4.1  直线电机的选型计算    14


4.2  直线电机的安装方式    15
4.3  直线电机的测量反馈    15
4.4  直线电机的紧急制动控制    16
4.5  直线电机冷却控制设计    16
4.6  西门子840D系统中直线电机的调试    17
结论    19
致谢    20
参考文献    21                    [资料来源:http://think58.com]