计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



随着人类社会的不断进步和经济的飞速发展 ,城市车辆日渐增多, 人们的生存空间却越来越小, 城市市区尤其是中心商业区停车难的问题已成为制约城市发展的一大难题 。由于人们早期对此认识不足,在城市规划时对停车设施考虑不够,多为平面式停车场,而这显然不能满足人们的停车需要,造成了目前停车设施严重缺失的局面。立体车库的出现,为解决这一难题带来了希望,将地面停车向空间发展,形成立体停车模式,已经成为缓解城市“停车难”的重要途径之一。
而液压系统与传统机械系统相比,由于具有重量轻、体积小、运动惯性小、反应速度快、工作平稳、操纵控制方便、可实现大范围的无级调速、可自动实现过载保护、当采用电液联合控制后,不仅可实现更高程度的自动控制过程,而且可以实现遥控等优点,成为立体车库传动系统的首选,本设计的主要内容包括立体停车库液压系统原理设计,液压系统动作确定等。通过液压马达实现载车平台的平移,液压缸实现载车平台的升降,80秒内会完成一辆汽车的存放。实现立体车库占用空间少,存取方便的功能。 [资料来源:THINK58.com]

    With the rapid development of economy and the continuous progress of human society, the increasing number of vehicles in the city, the people's living space is getting smaller and smaller, urban areas especially center business area, parking difficult issues has become a restricting the urban development is a major problem. Due to the early people knows inadequacy, in the urban planning of parking facilities consideration is not enough, mostly flat parking lot, which obviously can not meet the people's demands of parking, resulting in the current situation of serious lack of parking facilities. Stereo garage, in order to solve this problem brings hope, the ground parking space for development to form stereo parking mode, has become the urban parking difficult "one of the important ways to alleviate.
And compared with traditional mechanical system and hydraulic system, because of its light weight, small volume, small inertia, fast response speed, stable work, manipulation is easy to control and can achieve a wide range of stepless speed regulation, automatic overload protection, when the electrical and hydraulic control, not only can achieve a higher degree of automatic process control and remote control and other advantages become stereo garage transmission system of choice, the design of the main content including tridimensional parking garage design principles of the hydraulic system, hydraulic system action. Through the hydraulic motor to achieve the vehicle platform shift, the hydraulic cylinder to achieve the vehicle lift, 80 seconds will complete a car storage. The function of realizing the space of the stereo garage is less, and the access is convenient.. [来源:http://www.think58.com]
Key words: Parking garage,Hydraulic system,Principle design




摘要    I [来源:http://www.think58.com]
Abstract    II
1 立体停车库的发展与意义    3
1.1 立体停车库发展的背景    3
1.2 立体停车库概况    3
1.3液压传动系统基础知识    3
1.3.1液压传动系统的组成    3
1.3.2液压传动系统的特点    4
2 立体停车库机械结构设计    5
2.1立体停车库类型选择    5
2.2 车库存取动作的确定    5
3 液压系统原理图的设计    7
3.1 各动作的控制方案及原理设计    7
3.2 泵站设计    9
3.3 液压系统原理图的拟定    10
4 液压系统的设计与计算    11
4.1 相关参数的拟定    11
4.2 载荷计算    11
4.2.1 液压缸载荷组成与计算    11
4.2.2 液压马达载荷力矩的组成与计算    13
4.3 液压缸主要结构尺寸计算    14
4.4 液压缸活塞杆稳定性计算    16 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
5 液压元件的选择    18
5.1 液压泵的选择    18
5.2 液压阀的选择    19
5.3 液压管路尺寸的确定    19
5.3.1 类型的选择    19
5.3.2 管接头的选择    20
5.3.3 尺寸的确定    20
5.4 液压辅件的选择    21
6 液压系统性能验算    22
6.1 液压系统压力损失    22
6.2液压系统的发热温升计算    23
7 液压阀块的设计    25
8 液压站的结构设计    27
8.1 液压站的结构型式    27
8.2液压站的结构设计    27
9 经济性与环保性分析    29
9.1 经济性分析    29
9.2 环保性分析    29
结论    30
致谢    31
参考文献    32 [资料来源:THINK58.com]