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BP Neural Network Application in Tension Control of Universal Mill
摘  要


BP Neural Network Application in Tension Control of Universal Mill
Along with the rapid development of national economy,Iron and steel industry,as one of the pillar industries,is facing the new challenges as well as great opportunities. In control field,a very important subject is how to apply the new control technology in the iron and steel industry in order to improve quality and enhance the competitive power which finally makes tremendous economic and social benefits.
The thesis’s background is the tension control of universal mill. The tension accuracy control is the guarantee of continuous production,so that tension is a key parameter in the rolling process. The research about tension control has been the hot spot and the difficulty of control domain.

The neural network is a widely used intelligence technology. It can approach the random nonlinear function by the random precision through study and training. The thesis particularly introduces and analyses the neural network's basic theory and capability and neural network in PID parameter optimization,to realize the tension intelligent control of universal mill. Furthermore,it carries on the simulation to the mathematical model of tension control system which establishes in the basic rolling theory. The result indicates that the new technique has achieved the good control effect.


Key Words:neural network, tension control, PID control
目    录
致  谢    I
摘  要    III
BP Neural Network Application in Tension Control of Universal Mill    V
Abstract    V
1 引言    1
1.1研究背景及意义    1
1.2张力控制技术的发展现状    1
1.3神经网络的发展历史    3
1.4本文的主要工作    4
2 张力控制系统    5
2.1张力的定义    5
2.2张力的种类    6
2.3前滑值与后滑值    7
2.4张力的作用    8
2.5张力的控制方法    9
2.5.1直接张力控制    9辊缝式调张法    10速度式调张法    10
2.5.2间接张力控制    11
2.6张力数学模型    12

2.7万能轧机张力控制系统的建模    16
2.7.1张力控制系统的结构    16
2.7.2液压系统建模    16
2.7.3辊缝到速度变化增益    19轧机弹跳方程和轧制力方程    19压下量到出口厚度变化量增益    20轧件入口速度改变量    21
2.7.4张力模型    21
2.8本章小结    22
3 神经网络优化策略    23
3.1引言    23
3.2 RBF人工神经网络    24
3.2.1 RBF神经网络的基本原理    24
3.2.2 RBF神经网络的特点及优点    25
3.2.3 RBF神经网络存在的问题    25
3.3 BP人工神经网络    26
3.3.1 BP网络的基本原理    26
3.3.2 BP网络的特点和优点    27
4 基于BP神经网络张力控制    29
4.1 引言    29
4.2 利用BP神经网络进行PID整定    29


4.2.1 基本PID控制原理    29
4.2.2 数字PID 控制器    31
4.2.3 BP神经网络控制器    33
4.2.4仿真的比较和分析    36
4.2.5本章小结    39
5 结论    40
参考文献    41 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]