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The design of intelligent bus box  


    Along with the science and technology and the development and progress of society, all kinds of buses will gradually appear on the road above, at the same time, with the development of science and technology and human progress, people on the living standard of the increasingly high demand, and the bus box too dull, serious impact on some special passenger coin, relative to those of high man, because the box is relatively low, so the coin is not convenient, too, for those short passengers, because the bus box fixed height, the passenger is too short, the same coin is not convenient. So many problems of the traditional fixed bus box brings is a problem we must solve the current. How to solve this problem, reflects a society from the level of science and technology to the development of human care and other aspects. In our country, the status quo of this situation is not enough, this situation is a lot of disharmony factors, but also make the differentiation of the group, the degree of social humanities concern. And if it is equipped with a large number of buses in the bus intelligent box above, will greatly avoid the problems described above, for those special passengers a comfortable and convenient travel environment. [来源:http://www.think58.com]
    The design of intelligent bus box, through the sensor test to achieve the height of the passenger bus intelligent box according to passengers to the height of lifting, panel with high quality 304 stainless steel production, environmental protection, and. I believe that through this design, can greatly improve the intelligent bus box in the similar brand promotion and influence, for the future development of intelligent box also has a certain reference value.
Key word: cone crusher;centre-to-centre spacing;enduran; bending



目 录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
1引言    1
  1.1课题的来源与研究的目的和意义    1
  1.2发展状况    2
  1.3本课题研究的内容    4   
2公交车智能钱箱总体结构的设计    6
  2.1机械传动部分的设计计算    8
    2.1.1气缸缸筒设计与计算    10
    2.1.2缸底厚度的计算    11
    2.1.3缸筒发生完全塑性变形的压力计算    13
    2.1.4缸筒径向变形计算    14
  2.2直线轴承的设计计算    15
3主要部分强度的校核计算    15
  3.1气缸的校核计算    16
  3.2活塞杆强度的计算    17
  3.3气缸的负载力分析和计算    17
4设计总结    18
结论    19


致谢    20
参考文献    21