
密 惠 保
密 惠 保
摘 要:张紧装置是带式输送机不可缺少的部分,是影响输送带动张力的主要部件之一,它直接关系到带式输送机的安全运行及使用寿命,对于大运量、长距离等大型带式输送机的正常运行而言尤为重要。
The Design of The Hydraulic Anchor
Abstract: The stretching device is the belt conveyer essential part, is affects the transportation to lead one of tensity major components, its direct relation belt type conveyer's safe operation and the service life, speaking of the great transportation amount, the long distance and so on large-scale belt conveyer's normal operation especially important.
This belt conveyer hydraulic pressure stretching device's design is in the absorption country, the inside and outside conveyers tighten in the technical foundation, according to domestic belt conveyer's movement characteristic and request development one kind of new hydraulic pressure stretching device. Uses the proportional control technology and the reliability high programmable control technology, may carry on the multi-spot control to the tensioning force, momentarily adjusts the tensioning force according to the different working condition the size. Realizes automatically in the adhesive tape machine when the start provides the big tensity (approximately for normal operation when tensity 1.5 times), when normal operation small tensity. Enables the adhesive tape to have the science reasonable tensity in the work process, namely prevented the adhesive tape started when to slip, might also cause the adhesive tape machine normal operation not at the tight condition. May lengthen adhesive tape's life using this equipment, saves conveyer's run cost greatly. In this design, increased using the pulley organization has tightened the traveling schedule, avoided using the traveling schedule long hydraulic cylinder, reduced has made hydraulic cylinder's difficulty. In the hydraulic system uses the accumulator, may the absorption line shock maximum limit, reduce to the variation of load to the adhesive tape the impact, enhances adhesive tape's service life.
Keywords : Belt-type conveyer, full automatic hydraulic tension station , proportional control, programmable control

目 录
摘要 1
1 前言 2
1.1 带式输送机张紧装置的主要作用 2
1.2 张紧装置的类型及发展现状 3
1.2.1 固定张紧装置 3
1.2.2 重锤张紧装置 4
1.2.3 液压张紧装置 4
1.3 张紧装置发展趋势 4
2 整体方案设计 4
2.1 主要设计要求 5
2.2 方案选择 5
2.2.1 方案一 5
2.2.2 方案二 6
2.3 方案对比及确定 6
2.4 系统主要参数确定 7
3 液压缸设计 7
3.1 液压缸主要零件设计 7
3.1.1 缸筒选择 7
3.1.2 缸筒材料 8
3.1.3 缸筒计算 8
3.1.4 活塞杆 10
3.1.5 活塞杆的计算 11
3.1.6 活塞杆的导向套、密封和防尘 12
3.1.7 活塞 12
3.2 密封圈、防尘圈的选用 13
3.3 液压缸的类型和安装形式 14
3.4 耳轴的安装 14
3.5 液压缸支架设计 15
4 确定液压泵及配套电机 15
4.1液压泵的选用 15
4.1.1 液压泵在系统中的作用 15
4.1.2 液压泵的分类 16
4.1.3 选用液压泵的原则和根据 16
4.1.4 液压泵的主要性能参数 16
4.2电动机的选用 17
5 确定液压系统元件、辅件 18
5.1液压系统中液压元件选取 18
5.2确定液压辅件 19
5.2.1 蓄能器的选用 20
5.2.2 过滤器的选用 21
5.2.3 液压管路的设计 22
6 液压泵站设计 23
6.1液压泵站分类及特点 23
6.2油箱极其辅件 23
6.2.1 油箱的用途和分类 23
6.2.2 油箱的构造和设计要点 24
6.2.3 油箱容积确定 25 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
6.3液压油箱的结构设计 25
7液压工作介质的选用 30
7.1对液压工作介质的主要要求 30
7.2对液压工作介质的选用 31
8液压系统的安装、使用和维护 31
8.1液压系统的安装、试压和调试 31
8.1.1 液压系统的安装 31
8.1.2 液压元件的安装 35
8.1.3 管路的安装与清洗 36
8.2试压 36
8.3调试 36
8.4液压系统常见故障诊断与排除 37
8.5本装置的安装与使用操作 38
8.5.1 安装 38
8.5.2 运行前的准备工作 38
8.5.3 液压系统的试运行 38
8.5.4 注意事项 38
8.5.5 安全保护装置及事故处理 38
8.5.6 保养与维修 39
9结论 39
参考文献 40
致谢 40 [版权所有:http://think58.com]