密 惠 保
摘 要
With the socialization and modernization of the production and circulation since more than half a century,products packing is flourishing with a completely new feature and attached importance widely. [来源:http://think58.com]
The main purpose of this design is to realize the automatization of acid vegetable processing. It introduces the conception and category of the filling machine. The design aims at the infusing liquid system of the product line of acid vegetable automatic packing. We confirm every part of the system and install it according to the study of machinical design. We decide to use the air pump as the power fountain and realize sucking liquid and infusing liquid by the reciprocating of air urn and the reversed setting of two mon-return valves after calculating.Consequently,we achieve the purpose with a more simple configuration.
The infusing liquid system of the product line of acid vegetable automatic packing have simple configuration,. It is tighten and easy to produce, mend and handle .Also it cost low .It is widely used in small and middle food manufactories.
Key word: air pump;air urn;mon-return valve;eleceromagnetism cross valve;limit switch;stores the fluid cylinder;auto control
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 课题目的与意义 1
1.3 我国食品和包装机械的发展现状 3
1.3.1 食品和包装机械工业初具规模 3
1.3.2 基本形成了为食品加工业提供成套装备的能力 3
1.3.3 在部分领域形成了大型关键单机生产制造能力 3
1.3.4 我国食品和包装机械工业与发达国家还有较大差距 3
1.4 食品和包装机械近期发展重点领域和方向 4
第2章 灌装机 6
2.1 灌装机概述 6
2.2 国内饮料灌装机械的发展概况 6
2.3 液体灌装设备的分类 7
2.4本章小结 8
第3章 注液系统的总体方案 9
3.1 注液系统的工艺方案 9
3.2 注液总体原理示意图 9
3.2 动力源的选择 9
3.4 注液系统的传动方案 10 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
3.5 本章小结. 10
第4章 系统各部分组件的计算及选用 11
4.1 贮液缸的选用 11
4.2 单向阀的选用 11
4.3 双作用双活塞杆气缸计算及选用 12
4.4 耗气量计算 15
4.5 活塞杆直径校核 16
4.6 气缸的运行速度 17
4.7 换向阀的选用 18
4.8 行程开关的选用 19
4.9 管道的选择 19
4.10 方向控制装置 20
4.11 气动控制部分 20
4.12 本章小结 21
第5章 框架结构的设计 22
5.1 固定板的设计 22
5.2 外框架的设计 22
5.3 储液箱的设计 22
5.4 本章小结 23
结 论 24
参考文献 25
致 谢 26
附 录A 27 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
附 录B 35