
密 惠 保
摘 要
铁路运输是现代交通运输中一种重要的方式。从1997年至2007年,我国共实施了六次全路范围既有线路大提速,极大地改变了铁路运输的面貌,扩大了铁路运输在运输市场中的竞争力,取得了巨大的经济与社会效益。第六次铁路提速后铁路在既有线上将不再提速,中国铁路将着眼于建设高速客运专线,使其最高速度达到三百五十公里每小时。为实现这一目标,并保证列车运行的安全、正点,必须使铁道线路保持良好状态,这就是要按规定的计划对铁路线路,包括桥涵和隧道,进行经常的维修与保养,这项工作即为养路工作。其中,松紧螺栓是铁路工务部门的重要作业项目。铁路上线路养护的主要任务是松紧扣件螺栓、接头螺栓和为螺栓涂油。线路扣件的主要作用是将钢轨和轨枕联结成框架结构,以抵抗钢轨与轨枕在水平面内发生转动及钢轨与钢轨之间的窜动,从而确保框架结构的整体性川。过去养路工作机械化程度低,劳动强度大,维修工作的质量差、效率低,不能适应日益增长的铁路运输任务的需要。工务上传统的松紧接头螺栓也都是使用手动扳手,不仅效率低,而且扭力矩很难满足技术要求。因此一种带离合分离装置可实现两种转速、扭矩可控的双头内燃螺栓扳手成为研究必然。 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
The design of rail internal combustion bolt wrench
Railway transport is an important way of modern transportation. From 1997 to 2007,China implemented six times the range of existing line speed, greatly changed the face of railway transportation. Expand the competitiveness of the railway transportation in transportation market. It has achieved great economic and social benefit. The sixth railway speed railway will no longer speed, China Railway will focus on the construction of high-speed passenger dedicated line, which reached a maximum speed of three hundred and fifty kilometers per hour. To achieve this goal, and ensure the safety of train operation, on the railway line, must be kept in good condition, it is to the railway line in accordance with the provisions of the plan, including bridges and tunnels, repair and maintenance of regular, this work is maintenance work. Among them, a tension bolt is an important project of railway department. The main task of railway line maintenance is elastic fastening bolts, bolts and bolt oiling. The main line of the fastener is connected into the rail and sleeper frame structure, to resist the rail and sleeper in the horizontal plane between the rotation and the rail and rail movement, so as to ensure that the frame structure of the whole Sichuan . The last track maintenance work low mechanization, high labor intensity, repair work of poor quality, low efficiency, which can't meet the needs of increasing railway transportation task. The elastic joint bolts are used the traditional manual wrench, not only the efficiency is low, and the torque is difficult to meet the technical requirements. Therefore, a clutch device can realize the double internal combustion bolt wrench two kinds of speed, torque controlled research has become inevitable. [来源:http://think58.com]
KeyWords: double-head internal combustion bolt wrench;railway maintenance;

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 题目背景 1
1.2 研究意义 1 [来源:http://think58.com]
1.3 国内外相关研究情况 2
1.4 课题研究的主要内容 2
1.5 课题拟采用的研究方案 3
1.6 课题研究的重点与难点 4
1.7 完成课题的工作方案及进度计划 4
2 总体计算 5
2.1 工作方式的确定 5
2.2 总体结构设计 5
2.3 工作原理 5
2.4 主要技术参数确定 6
3 动力部分设计 7
3.1离合器设计 7
4 传动部分设计 9
4.1 传动方式的选择 9
4.2 传动比的设计 9
4.3 传动齿轮设计计算 10
4.3.1 第一级齿轮计算 10
4.3.2 第二级齿轮计算 16
4.3.3 第三级齿轮计算 17
4.3.4 第四级齿轮计算 20
4.3.5 第五级齿轮计算 21
5 变速机构设计 22
6 换向机构的设计 23
7 扭矩控制机构设计 24
8 扭矩误差分析 26
8.1 弹簧力的稳定性 26
8.2 摩擦系数的稳定性 26
8.3 斜面棱角 26
9 传动轴校核 27
9.1 高速轴设计 27
9.2 低速轴计算 29
9.2.1 确定各轴段直径 29
9.3 Ⅵ轴花键部位扭转计算 31
10 总结 33
参考文献 34
致 谢 35 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]