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摘 要
本文主要介绍了 MR141毛刷式锯齿剥绒机的总体设计、锯筒部和工作箱部设计。MR141型毛刷式锯齿剥绒机专为从轧花机排出的棉籽上剥取短绒之用,调整好不同的配车规格,分别可以剥取头道、二道或三道短绒。而且 MR141型剥绒机在原机的基础上作了重大改进。MR141 毛刷式锯齿剥绒机主要由六个部分组成,分别是机架部,工作箱部,锯筒部,毛刷部,喂籽箱部,自动喂籽机构部。由于本文作者研究课题的原因,本文侧重于总体结构和锯筒与工作箱的设计,部装结构则主要是对机器的结构分析及主要受力部件的强度校核。工作箱部是喂籽的主要部分,锯筒部是剥绒工作的主要部分。 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
关键词:剥绒机 工作箱 总体 锯筒 喂籽
This text introduce MR141 brush type sawtooth shell overall design, saw a tube of departments and work case departments design of fine hair machine mainly. Model MR141 brush type sawtooth shell the fine hair machine in order to shell and fetch the using of short fine hair from cottonseed that the cotton gin discharges specially, Adjust mixing car specification different well , differentiate and can shell and fetch the first dish, two or three short fine hair. And MR141 type shell fine hair machine make great to improve on the basis of original machine. MR141 brush type sawtooth shell fine hair machine made up of six parts mainly, framework department separately, The case department of the job, saw one tube of departments, the brush department, Feed to the case department of seeds, feed to the mechanism department of seeds automatically. Because of the reason of the subject for research of the author of this text, this text lays particular emphasis on the ensemble architecture and design which saws tube and job case, Department install structure analyse and check strength intensity of part mainly structure in machine mainly. Job case department main part to feed seed, saw tubes of department to shell main part that fine hair work.
Keywords:Fine hair shelling machine Job case Overall Saw tubeFeed seeds
第二次是“121”棉花加工新工艺和成套设备的研制成功并推广应用,缩短了我国棉花加工技术与国际先进水平40年的差距。“六五”末引进国外先进的棉花加工设备及技术,“七五”期间,在中华全国供销合作总社棉麻局的同意领导下,由山东省供销社、山东棉花机械公司和郑州棉麻工程技术研究所等参加的科研、制造和使用三位一体消化吸收并结合 [版权所有:http://think58.com]