计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC


  核心提示:如有需要请联系 QQ:306826066摘要:详细介绍了CA-20地下自卸汽车工作液压系统和转向液压系统的设计,为四个步骤:根据各个系统的功能和整车布置拟定液压系统原理图;根据翻倾及转向角度分别计算...

如有需要请联系 QQ:306826066


Abstract: In this paper the design of the hydraulic systems of working and steering for CA-20 Rear Dump Truck is introduced. The design include four steps. First of all according to the feature of each hydraulic system, we can draw the principle diagrams of the hydraulic systems of working and steering. Then we can calculate the travels of the dumping cylinders and steering cylinders by the angles of dumping and steering. And then we can decide the pressure of each hydraulic system through the maximal force on each system. At last may chose the pumps and other hydraulic parts according to the pressure and the flow of each hydraulic system, The fact has proved that the hydraulic system of the truck is safe, reliable and efficient.


Key words: Rear dump truck Hydraulic system of working hydraulic system of steering Pump Cylinder
