
密 惠 保
摘 要
关键字:照明系统 防雷接地系统 火灾自动报警系统
Electrical Design of the Campus’s Comprehensive Building
The graduation design is for Lighting,Connecting ground,and automatic fire alarm of a campus. The whole electrical design of this project is on the basis of the national related design specifications and standards and relevant professional design material. Lighting system design, including the selection and arrangement of lamp type number, illumination and computing power per unit area, lighting load calculation, lighting distribution methods; determining cable, bridge, and other models, specifications, determine the control and protection of electrical type, size and the like; Anti-mine grounding system functional ground and protective earth designed in accordance with the relevant requirements; Automatic fire alarm system design includes smoke alarm, manual alarm button, fire hydrant buttons, point arrangement, the signal line selection and laying methods. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
Keywords:lighting system;lightning protection and grounding system;automatic fire alarm system

摘 要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第一章 系统概述 1
1.1工程概述 1
1.2设计概述 1
第二章 照明系统 3
2.1照明计算 3
2.1.1.光源与照明器的选择 3
2.1.2照明设计标准 4
2.1.3利用系数法 5
2.1.4照度计算 7
2.2照明负荷计算 15
2.2.1照明配电系统设计原则 15
2.2.2需要系数法确定计算负荷 15
2.2.3照明负荷计算 20
2.2线路电压损失较验 21
2.3本工程配电系统说明 22
2.3.1配电系统概述 22
2.3.2配电系统具体方案 22
第三章 防雷接地系统 24
3.1系统概述 24
3.2防雷 24
3.2.1防雷计算 24
3.2.2本工程具体方案 26
3.2接地及安全 26
3.2.1接地概述 26
3.2.2本工程具体方案 28
第四章 火灾自动报警系统 29
4.1系统概述 29
4.2系统组成 29
4.3探测器的布置 31
4.3.1火灾探测器的选择 31
4.3.2火灾探测器的布置 31
4.3.3火灾探测器数量的计算 32
4.4线路敷设要求 33
结语 34
参考文献 35
致谢 36