
密 惠 保
摘 要
Taking Suizhong 36-1 block as example, the paper has built a set of potential evaluation method for chemical flooding reservoir in offshore oilfield.For the purpose of the interaction of the influencing factors including formation temperature, formation water salinity and Calcium and Magnesium ions,the paper has builtthe models of the polymer viscosity for polymer flooding, the surfactant interface for polymer/surfactant flooding and polymer viscosity for gel flooding respectively. After that, with the aid of newly-built orthogonal design table and numerical simulation technology, we have separately designe potentialprediction sample sets for each kind of chemical flooding.
Based on potential prediction sample sets, with modified BP neural network method, we have respectively built potential prediction models for the three kinds of chemical flooding for offshore oilfield. With the models, we carried out the economic and technicalpotential evaluation for the different style of reservoirs in the bohai sea oil field and obtained EOR, equivalent polymer injection efficient and IRR to provide the guidance and suggestion for chemical flooding implement in offshore oilfield.
Key words:potential evaluation; enhanced oil recovery; BP neural network
(1) 分析了海上油田化学驱潜力评价不同与陆地上的技术、经济评价特点。
(2) 考虑化学驱主要影响因素的基础上,通过查阅资料分别建立聚合物驱、二元复合驱以及凝胶调驱等三种化学驱潜力预测样本集。并结合人工神经网络方法分别建立起了三种化学驱方法的潜力预测模型。
(3) 针对渤海油田具体区块进行凝胶调驱、聚合物驱以及二元复合驱提高采收率的技术和经济潜力综合评价。 [版权所有:http://think58.com]

目 录
第1章 概述 1
1.1 论文背景及意义 1
1.2 研究内容 2
第2章 海上油田化学驱油藏潜力评价特点 3
2.1 提高采收率潜力预测研究进展 3
2.2 渤海稠油油藏概况 4
2.3 海上油田聚合物驱特点 6
2.4 本章小结 10
第3章 海上油田化学驱影响因素研究 11
3.1 化学驱基础方案的建立 11
3.2 化学驱影响因素研究 17
3.3 本章小结 21
第4章 海上油田化学驱油藏潜力评价 22
4.1 BP 神经网络介绍 22
4.2 样本集的生成 23
4.3 化学驱潜力预测模型的建立 29
4.4 渤海油田典型区块油藏潜力评价 36
4.5 本章小结 38
结 论 39
参考文献 40
致 谢 41