
密 惠 保
摘 要
随着社会技术、经济的发展,修武城区电力系统的发展和负荷增长,在焦作市修武县城东建设一座 110kV 变电站,向修武城区用 10kV 电压供电。
本文以 110kV 城东变电站一次系统设计为研究对象,从修武未来几年的用电需求出发,以国家电力工程设计的规程和国家电网的标准化设计为指引,考虑未来几年负荷的发展状况,通过电力需求预测和负荷计算,确定主变的台数和容量;通过从灵活、经济和可靠方面对电气主接线形式的对比,确定了电气主接线形式;选择了短路点并进行了短路电流计算;对变电站进行了一次设备的选择和校验;绘制变电站一次主接线图等工作,最终完成该工程的研究与设计。
城东变站址地形平坦,场地开阔。城东变电站靠近负荷中心,设计时在满足国家设计标准的基础上,尽量考虑当地的实际情况,形式上采用独立变电站。城东变电站主变压器采用双绕组变压器即可满足需求,修武城东变电站远期规划的主变容量为 2 台 50MVA 变压器,本期为 1 台 50MVA 主变,一次设备的选取充分考虑了生产的需要,在防雷上采用通用的防雷设计方法。为了保证供电的可靠, 减少事故的发生,减少运行费用。城东变电站是按照本地区 2018 年为设计水平年,2025 年为远景水平年设计的,这样可以减少投资,为变电站的稳定运行提供保障。
With the development of social technology and economy, the development of a regional power system and load growth, in Jiaozuo City Xiuwu County East to build a 110kV substation, to the region with 10kV voltage level power supply. In this paper, 110kV Chengdong substation design as the object of study, from Xiuwu the next few years of electricity demand to the national power engineering design procedures and the national grid standardization design as a guide to consider the next few years the development of the load, through the power Forecasting and load calculation, determine the number and capacity of the main transformer; through the flexibility, economy, reliability of the main form of electrical wiring comparison, to determine the electrical main wiring form; selected short-circuit point and short-circuit current calculation ; A substation for a device selection and verification, and the main transformer was protected; draw a substation primary wiring diagram and other work, and ultimately complete the project research and design. [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
The site is flat and the site is open. Substation close to the load center, substation
design to meet the national design standards, based on the actual situation to consider the local situation, the formal use of independent substation. The main transformer with dual-winding transformer to meet the demand, long-term planning capacity of two 50MVA main transformer, this issue is a 50MVA main transformer, a device selection fully considered the production needs. In the lightning protection on the use of common lightning protection design method. To ensure the reliability of power supply under the premise of reducing the occurrence of accidents, reduce operating costs. The substation is designed according to the design year of the region in 2018, 2025 years for the vision level, reducing the investment and providing a safe and stable power supply for the substation.
Key words: substation, primary system, load calculation

摘要.......................................................................................... Ⅰ
Abstract..................................................................................... Ⅱ
1 前言 1
选题的意义和目的 1
设计的主要研究内容 1
本课题应解决的主要问题 1
2 变电站系统概况 3
电力系统概况 3
电力负荷预测 4
变电站建设的必要性 7
站址概述及方案 7
建设规模 9
本章小结 9
3 负荷计算及变压器的选择 11
负荷计算 11
主变压器的选择 12
本章小结 14
4 电气主接线的方案比较及确定 15
电气主接线设计概述 15
电气主接线的方案确定 15
本章小结 19
5 短路电流计算 21
短路故障产生的原因 21
短路电流计算的目的 21
短路电流计算的基本假设 21
短路电流计算的步骤 22
本章小结 26
6 导体和主要电气设备的选择与校验 27
电气设备选择的条件 27
断路器的选择与校验 29
隔离开关的选择与校验 31
互感器的选择和校验 32
母线的选择和校验 35
本章小结 37
7 防雷保护及绝缘配合 39
防直击雷保护 39
防雷电侵入波 39
全站接地 40
绝缘水平 41
本章小结 42
8 总结 43
致谢 45
参考文献 47 [资料来源:http://think58.com]