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摘要 [来源:http://think58.com]
关键字:密封件 行星减速器 压力 流量 柱塞 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
Abstract [来源:http://www.think58.com]
Fed sludge pump is widely used in the application of dam reservoirs, coal mine, tunnels filled, length of the highway, construction of foundation reinforced, and so on, with the development of the national economy, the demand of such sludge pump is also growing.
In recent years, fed by sludge pump research and development is growing fast, but there are still the existence of many problems : First, the average no-fault sludge pump shorter working hours, up to several hours; Second, the weight and size generally larger field handling inconvenience; Third is the replacement of sealed pieces over a longer period of time. Responding to the above questions, this design has specific solutions to address the short life of the sealed, the key is to choose suitable materials and sealed reasonable structure; In order to make the overall weight pump, we must completely abandon the traditional slowdown, replaced by advanced slowdown, The design chosen is the large transmission planetary reducer than paved, and under great Dailun planetary reducer, both can be achieved faster purposes, and to reduce the overall weight pump. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Key: sealed pieces planetary reducer pressure flow piston
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 2
目 录 3
前 言 5
第一章 泵的总体设计 7
第二章 原动机的选择 9
第三章 吸浆管与排浆管的选择与直径计算 12
第四章 泥浆泵零件选择及其强度的计算 13
4.1 机架 13
4.2 泵体 13
4.3 连杆十字头连接处销子强度的计算 14
4.4 柱塞上螺纹强度计算 16 [来源:http://think58.com]
4.4.1螺纹的选择和强度校核 16
4.4.2螺纹连接的防松方式的选择 17
4.5泵体壁厚强度计算和选择 18
4.6 空气室容积及强度计算和选择 18
4.7 减速器的选择和计算 20
4.8 V带传动的计算 23
4.9 轴的设计和强度校核 26 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
4.9.1 估算轴径d 27
4.9.2轴的受力分析 27
4.9.3 验算轴径 31
4.10轴承选择 31
4.10.1轴承寿命计算 32
4.10.2静载荷计算 32
4.11 轴上键的选择 33
4.11.1 平键的选择 33 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
4.11.2 平键的强度校核 33
4.11.3 花键的选择 34
4.11.4 花键的强度校核 34
4.12活塞密封圈的选择 34
4.13. 泵的润滑 35
第五章 泵的使用和维护 36 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
5.1用途 36
5.2结构 36
5.3安装 36
5.4 维护与保养 37
第六章XQB75/3.5型泥浆泵的经济可行性分析 38
第七章 结 论 39
参考文献 40 [来源:http://think58.com]
附录1 专题 41
附录二 外文翻译 49
英文文献 49
中文翻译 60
致谢 68
前 言
灌用泥浆泵是一种新型的非标准工程机械,走向市场至今已有多年的历史。可是,直到今天,仍然没有一种较理想的机型来满足用户的需求。流行在市场上的灌用泥浆泵种类很多,但都存在着柱塞的密封件不耐磨的致命缺陷,使用寿命最长不超过60小时。更换密封件需投入大量的人力、财力,用户难于承受。其次,泵的结构大多数复杂、笨重、体积大;野外露天作业进隧道施工搬运困难。为了解 [来源:http://www.think58.com]