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关键词:继电器 故障率 逻辑触点
Was each kind of tool machine of the machine tool to get an extensive application along with the development of the machine industry, but the automation and precise degree of these tool machines contain very big difference. In the Europe and America, Japanese etc. nation, their tool machine number controls to turn degree all opposite higher, but at our country the local tool machine has 90% about to still be placed in old style much of after electric appliances control under. In order to hasing already consumed a material, consume an ability and breaking down high blemish of rate after the tool machine of the electric appliances control, waste a lot of man powers, material resource and financial power thus. If say that all renewing these tool machines changes generation, will need so very greatly one fee for writing gold, the circumstance comes up to say to be not realistic currently, so start try for someone to start from the reformation aspect of the control part, promote their function a file time, can even solve some of its irregularities. [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
According to the above circumstance, I chose to use parts of this topics of the electricity control that the PLC completes the T6113 lie type beds, the purpose makes the tool machine be able to respond to action quickly, the vivid and dependable completion production mission, but break down a rate and correspond to lower. The PLC touched to order to replace by the logic of the inner part after the machine of the electric appliances touch a point, control the action of the tool machine, the logic touches to order to touch with machine to order to compare action time to shorten consumedly, conjunction quick but credibility, also have to be its life span ratio machine to touch to order to have a very significant growth, can attain several million times arrive the ten million time.
Through design and made real object to play to show, success proven a design as a result.
Keyword: After electric appliances Breakdown rate The logic touches to order [资料来源:THINK58.com]
第1章 绪论………………………………………………………… 1
1.1 选题的目的和意义…………………………………………1
1.2 关于课题的一些介绍和讨论………………………………1
1.3 电气控制技术的发展………………………………………2
1.4 PLC的发展史及特点………………………………………4 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
第2章 镗床的概况………………………………………………… 7
2.1 T6113卧式镗床主要结构及机械运动……………………7
2.2 电气控制……………………………………………………9
2.2.1 卧式镗床电力拖动及控制要求……………………9
2.2.2 T6113卧式镗床的电气控制………………………9
第3章 镗床电力拖动电动机的选择 ……………………………13 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
3.1 概述……………………………………………………… 13
3.2 镗床用电动机容量的选择……………………………… 13
3.2.1 镗床主运动电动机容量的选择………………… 13
3.2.2 快速移动电动机容量的选择…………………… 14
3.2.3 后立柱电机容量的选择………………………… 14 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
3.2.4 主轴箱和工作台油泵电动机容量的选择……… 15
第4章 镗床电气控制用低压电器的选择…………………………16
4.1 概述……………………………………………………… 16
4.2 低压电器的选择………………………………………… 16
4.2.1 低压断路器的选择……………………………… 16 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
4.2.2 交流接触器的选择……………………………… 20
4.2.3 电源引入开关…………………………………… 23
4.2.4 熔断器的选择…………………………………… 23
4.2.5 行程开关………………………………………… 26
4.2.6 其他所需电器的选择…………………………… 27 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
4.2.7 控制变压器的选用……………………………… 28
第5章 电气控制电路中的保护环节………………………………32
5.1 概述…………………………………………………………32
5.2 短路保护……………………………………………………32
5.3 镗床的联锁保护……………………………………………32
5.3.1 手动与机动联锁……………………………………32 [来源:http://think58.com]
5.3.2 限速保护……………………………………………33
5.3.3 正反转电气联锁……………………………………33
第6章 PLC控制系统的设计………………………………………34
6.1 PLC控制系统设计的内容和步骤…………………………34
6.1.1 PLC控制系统设计的内容……………………… 34
6.1.2 PLC控制系统设计的步骤……………………… 34
6.2 PLC控制系统的硬件配置…………………………………34 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
6.2.3 PLC的接线电路分析………………………………35
第7章 PLC在T113卧式镗床中的应用………………………… 37
7.1 T6113卧式镗床的PLC控制方案……………………… 37
7.2 T6113控制系统设计…………………………………… 37
7.2.1 机型的选择及I/O接口的分配………………… 37
7.2.2 程序编制………………………………………… 41
第8章 经济效益分析……………………………………………… 43
专题……………………………………………………………………46 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
附录 1…………………………………………………………………57
附录 2…………………………………………………………………68 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]