
密 惠 保
Mechanical manufacturing technology is not only the important sign of weighing a national science and technology development level, is the focus of international technological competition. China is in a critical period of economic development, manufacturing technology is our weak link. PC access control field, has greatly promoted the development of NC technology, it provides the opportunity for China to overtake the developed countries in the field of CNC production. Keep up with the development of advanced NC manufacturing technology trends in the world, will be the priority strategy, and with enough strength to be implemented, narrow the gap with developed countries as soon as possible, remain invincible in the fierce competition in the market. At the same time, the development of NC machining technology has produced a lot of CNC professional and technical personnel, and promote China's modern machinery manufacturing industry further prosperity.
In the process of machinery manufacturing industries in a wide variety of applications, for processing a fixed object, so that possession of the correct position, to receive a construction techniques and equipment, collectively referred to as the fixture. Therefore, whether in the machinery processing, assembly, testing, or in welding, heat treatment and cold, heat process, and transport are a lot of work in a fixture. But in machining is the most widely used fixture using metal cutting machine tool, we called for the machine tool fixture. It guarantees product quality, high yield, low cost, and give full play to the potential of existing equipment, so that workers have complicated or precision parts processing technology, to reduce the heavy manual labor and other aspects play a huge role. Therefore, the design and use of machine tool fixture is one of the important measures to promote the rapid development of the technology of production.
This article focuses on the pipe joint and fixture design center. The first joint, let us have a basic understanding of the design and mechanical processing clamp through processing, especially the NC machining and parts of fixture design knowledge more profound. Then, under the guidance of tutor, to analyze and select parts processing design and fixture design. The selected scheme,. Through the relevant parts and fixture design books and related legend refer to in the process of machining parts, after having consulted the related literature, the overall design reference to relevant information to complete parts.
Key words:chucking;location;clamp force;box;

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 课题研究现状及发展趋势 1
1.3 课题的理论依据及方案论证 2
1.4 课题研究的思路及步骤 3
第二章 机床夹具的作用 4
2.1 机床夹具的作用 4
2.2机床夹具的分类 4
2.2.1 按夹具的应用范围分类 4
2.2.2 按使用机床类型分类 5
2.2.3 按夹具动力源分类 5
2.3专用机床夹具的组成 6
第三章 转向箱箱体的零件实体及零件图的分析 7
3.1 转向箱箱体的三维实体模型 7 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
3.2 转向箱的零件图 8
3.3 对转向箱零件图的分析 8
第四章 夹具的设计 9
4.1 夹具设计说明 9
4.2 确定定位方案,设计定位装置 9
4.3 确定夹紧方案,设计夹紧装置 11
4.3.1 夹紧装置的种类和组成结构 11
4.3.2 对夹紧装置的基本要求 12
4.3.3 夹紧力的方向和作用点确定 13
4.3.4 夹紧力大小的估算 13
4.3.5 夹紧机构的选择 14
4.4 转向箱的夹具设计总图 16
第五章 夹具结构分析与设计 19
5.1 夹具的夹紧装置和定位装置 19
5.2 夹具的导向 21
5.3 钻孔与工件之间的切屑间隙 22
5.4 钻模板 23
第六章 总装配图的设计 25 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
6.1 总装配图的概述 25
6.2 总装配图的设计 25
结 论 27
参考文献 28
致 谢 29