计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
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Processing technology and fixture design of connecting rod


The connecting rod is one of the most important parts of automobile engine. It has a very high status in the engine. When the engine is working, a large amount of gas generated by the instantaneous combustion of steam and oil in the cylinder causes the pressure in the cylinder to increase, which has a huge pressure on the piston. The main role of the connecting rod is to pass this huge pressure to the crank and drive the crank to rotate. And that drives the outside institutions. Therefore, the strength and stiffness of the connecting rod have strict requirements.
In this paper, the machining technology of engine connecting rod and the fixture design of engine connecting rod are discussed. In the rapid development of industrial science and technology, the requirements of connecting rod processing are getting higher and higher, which requires us to make connecting rod is the most innovative technology. This time, I designed a small size, high-power engine to design the whole process of connecting rod.


(1) Start with the initial material selection and rough forging method. Select and check the latest material.
(2) In the process of processing the connecting rod, the process analysis is carried out, and the machining margin and production efficiency in the process are analyzed, and the economy and practicality of the traditional connecting rod are compared.
(3) The most suitable fixture is designed according to the new processing technology. Calculate clamping force and cutting force.
Key words: connecting rod; (a) Processing processes; (a) Strength calculation; fixture

连杆的加工工艺及夹具设计(含SolidWorks三维图,PDF图) [来源:http://think58.com]

目 录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
目 录    III
第一章  绪论    1
1.1研究背景及意义    1
1.2国内外连杆研究现状    1
1.2.1国外研究现状    1


1.2.2国内研究现状    3
1.3本课题的研究方法与内容    3
第二章    连杆加工过程中涉及的理论基础    5
2.1对Solidworks软件用于连杆铣槽夹具设计的理论基础    5
2.2连杆的结构特点    6
2.3夹具设计的关键参数及计算    8
2.3.1切削力和夹紧力的计算    8
2.3.2针对大功率发动机的连杆强度的计算    13
2.4本章小结    18
第三章    连杆的主要设计    19
3.1连杆的主要技术要求    19
3.1.1大小头两孔的主要尺寸精度    19
3.1.2结合面的技术要求    20
3.2连杆材料的选择和毛坯    20
3.3连杆的机械加工工艺过程    21
3.4连杆的机械加工工艺过程分析    23
3.4.1工艺顺序的安排    23
3.4.2定位基准的选择    23
3.5加工工序的分步分析    25 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
3.5.1大小头两端面的加工    25
3.5.2铣开连杆体和连杆盖及结合面的加工    25
3.5.3连杆螺栓孔的加工    25
3.5.4连杆大小头孔的加工    25
3.5.5锁口槽和小头油孔的加工    26
3.6加工经济精度和加工方法的选择    27
3.7本章小结    30
第四章    连杆加工时有关数据计算    31
4.1切削用量的选择原则    31
4.1.1粗加工时的选择原则    31
4.1.2精加工时的选择原则    32
4.2加工余量、工序尺寸的确定    33
4.2.1加工余量的概念    33
4.3加工余量的确定    35
4.3.1平面加工余量的确定    35
4.4工序尺寸的确定    36
4.4.1大头孔的工序尺寸和公差    37
4.4.2小头孔的工序尺寸和公差    37
4.5连杆的工艺尺寸链计算    38
4.5.1计算连杆盖的卡瓦槽    38 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
4.5.2连杆体的卡瓦槽的计算    39
4.6定位误差分析    40
4.6经济效益分析    41
4.7本章小结    43
第五章 总结与展望    44
5.1总结    44
5.2未来的展望    45
参考文献    46
致谢    49 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]