
密 惠 保
照明系统的设计部分包括: 插座、灯具的布置方式与类型选择、照明类型及强度筛选等内容。
关键词:变配电系统 动力控制系统 照明系统 防雷接地系统
Jiangsu Duliang building Electrical Design
This paper mainly expounds the electrical design of each system design basis, principle, method and the conclusion of the design choices in the design of certain ten layers of office building. This paper mainly includes five chapters content, can be divided into five parts: the introduction, the system load calculations, the design of low voltage power supply and distribution system, lighting system design,Design of lightning protection and grounding system [来源:http://think58.com]
The introduction part includes: the design of the design content and engineering survey, design requirements, the overall design of the program, etc.
System load calculations part includes: power load level and the significance of load calculation , etc.
Low voltage power supply and distribution system design part includes: power distribution scheme, selection of cable, cable laying , protecting electric appliance choice, draw the distribution system plan, etc.
Lighting system design part includes: intensity of illumination computation, lighting mode selection, lamps selection and layout, socket selection and layout, draw the lighting layout plan, etc.
Lightning protection and grounding system design part includes:anti-mine grade determined, a variety of lightning protection measures, buildings’ potential protection measures ,draw lightning protection and grounding plan, etc.
Key Words: system load calculations;low voltage power supply and distribution system;lighting system;lightning protection and grounding system [来源:http://www.think58.com]

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 II
1.1.1设计题目 1
1.1.2工程概况 1
1.2.1设计原则 1
1.3设计依据和设计程序 1
1.3.1设计依据 2
1.3.2设计程序 2
1.4设计任务及范围 2
第二章 方案设计与论证 3
2.1负荷等级 3
2.4变配电所系统 3
2.5负荷容量 4
第三章 负荷计算 5
3.1负荷计算 5
3.1.1计算方案中涉及到的公式 5
3.1.2负荷计算和无功功率计算 5
第四章 设备选择 9
4.1低压设备选择依据 9
4.1.1低压断路器选择依据 9
4.1.2低压电流互感器选择依据 9
4.1.3线缆选择依据 10
4.2低压配电箱设备选择 10
4.3导线校验 10
4.4变压器选择 11
4.5高压柜的选择 11
4.6高压设备的选择 12
4.7低压柜的选择 12
第五章 平面布置和接地 13
5.1变配电所平面布置相关规范 13
5.2实际情况 13
5.3变配电室平面布置 14
5.3.1高压柜平面布置 14
5.3.2低压柜平面布置 14
5.4变配电所接地 14
第六章 照明系统设计 15
6.1照明的方式和种类 15
6.1.1 照明的方式 15
6.1.2 照明的种类 15
6.2各楼层照明系统设计 17
6.2.1 普通办公室照明系统设计 17
6.2.2 其他楼层照明系统设计 19
6.3 插座及开关设计 29
第七章 防雷接地系统设计 31
7.1 建筑物的防雷措施 31
7.2本办公楼的防雷接地保护措施 32
结语 32
参考文献 34
致谢 36